Friday Fictioneers

20 posts

Friday Fictioneers–Sweet Mother Merryweather

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly dip into the rolling waves of flash fiction. The challenge is to write a story in 100 words or less based on a photo prompt. I am a sporadic participant, but today the prompt fit into my WIP in some odd fashion. If you want to flex and tighten your writing muscles, visit Rochelle’s site to participate.    Sweet Mother Merryweather I was chopping the head from an uncooperative bat when someone knocked. The bat […]

Friday Fictioneers–Of Stout and Dragons

Happy New Year! Here is my offering for Friday Fictioneers—a weekly challenge to write a 100-word story using a photo prompt.   See you in 2016!   Of Stout and Dragons   Ned sips his eighth pint of stout and gazes out the pub windows, watching the pink dragon chase birds in the parking lot. His hand curls protectively around the glass. Tom slides into the chair beside him. Ned pulls his beer closer. “Isn’t it a law they can’t […]

A Witch’s Christmas

Once again, it’s Friday Fictioneer time in the Ozarks.  The challenge is to write a complete story in 100 words or less inspired by the photo prompt provided by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. My story today suits this festive week which holds Yule and Christmas and a full moon. If you want to join the fun by reading and posting your own story—go HERE. By the way, critiques, comments, suggestions are welcome. Season’s Greetings to all!!   A Witch’s Christmas The window […]

Friday Fictioneers–Pesky Martians

Every Wednesday, Rochelle posts a photo prompt and invites scores of people around the globe to use the photo to inspire 100-word stories. I did this religiously for about a year and loved the way the weekly exercise tightened up my writing. Reading the way others interpreted the photo is a kick, too. It’s kind of amazing how much personality some people pack into just 100 words.  If you want to join the party, just go HERE to read the weekly offerings and post […]

Friday Fictioneers: It’s Just Business

I almost despaired with this week’s prompt.  It looks so ripe with succulent possibilities but I couldn’t think of anything for the longest time.  I’ve been AWOL for a few weeks with book signings and events.  Happy to be back with this one.  Thanks, as always, Rochelle!!! It’s Just Business “Why would any fairy wear shoes made of something from a spider’s butt?” Peaseblossom flicked her wings, wishing she’d stayed in bed. “You had sparrow eggs and goat cheese for […]

A Post with No Name

I couldn’t decide between “Overdue Books” or “Dusty Tomes” as an official title for this one. Weigh in with a comment or make a different suggestion. And if anybody recognizes the obscure reference in the working title “a Post with No Name,” you totally get me and I want to know your name.   Thanks to Rochelle for hosting this madness for over two years! I was scared to try for most of her first year. An entire story in […]