
296 posts

Strange spells, curses, crafty things –All things magical from witches and crystals to herbs and handy spells.

Yard Sale Treasures: Cursed, Conjured, or Coincidence?

Are you in the market for malevolent energy? Dark histories. Curses? A premature death by unusual means? Look no further than your local yard sale. From haunted dolls to sinister paintings to fabulously cursed jewels—your next yard sale treasure could be a supernatural artifact. Do you really want to bring a cursed object into your living room? The allure of cursed objects lies in the mystery surrounding their origins and the inexplicable events that follow those who possess them. Please […]

From Crystal Balls to Crime Scenes: Exploring the Powers of Psychic Sleuths. Woman sitting behind a crystal ball. Her expression is perceptive and clever.

Crystal Balls to Crime Scenes: The Powers of Psychic Sleuths

In crime-solving, a unique breed of detectives emerges—those who transcend the conventional boundaries of investigation. Psychic detectives, armed with extraordinary abilities, navigate the ethereal to unravel mysteries that elude traditional methods. As the paranormal gains cultural prominence, the intersection of psychic insight and criminal justice sparks intrigue and debate. Coincidentally (or not), my next three books are paranormal mysteries about a gal with the gift of psychometry—the ability to sense facts about an object by touching it. These things happen […]

Sorchia Reviews The BookBinder’s Daughter

The Bookbinder’s Daughter by Jessica Thorne Prepare yourself for an engrossing fantasy! The Bookbinder’s Daughter is Sophie, a girl with a complicated past—a past she can’t remember. She’s at loose ends after her father’s death so when her uncle offers her a coveted position at a respected library, she can’t resist. She leaves the manipulative boyfriend—oh, the magic of that—and returns to The Special Collection. It’s a wondrous place that her fragmented memory longs for and fears. What Works: Musical […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Taking a Second Chance at Love

Secret Desires by J.L. Regen is about second chances–and what better way to end the year? Novel Magic hibernates in January, but we’ll be back in February 2022. We’ve got changes in the works, too. Take a peek HERE. (Hint: Sorchia Reviews Novel Magic books in 2022.) Until February, Thanks for hanging with me and for checking in from time to time. Taking a Second Chance at Love by J.L. Regen Many years ago I dated someone who I thought […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Adamant’s Revenge

Who doesn’t love a good revenge tale? A little sci/fi for the Holidays! About the Book by M. Garnet Far in the future there is a man who can do what all the intelligent scientists say is impossible. He is a shifter or what his people call the rare Modifier. He can turn into something larger and ugly and dangerous. Even more hazardous, when he shifts into this monster, he can’t be killed.     Beware you don’t make this handsome […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Sorchia Reviews: Buried Secrets by Mike Martin

Buried Secrets–A Sgt. Windflower Mystery is a satisfactory addition to the series. If you are already a Sergeant Windflower fan, then you will enjoy this 11th in the series. I may have enjoyed it more if I had read some of the previous books. As it is, I can only give this one a Three out of Five. I like the character—he’s a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer and has been for some time. He has a supportive family and […]