Do you write in one of these genres?
- Fantasy
- Urban Fantasy
- Cozy Mysteries
- Mysteries with paranormal elements
- Mysteries
- Thrillers
- Horror
- YA Fantasy
- Paranormal Romance
If your book has a paranormal element, it will fit right into Sorchia’s Universe. If you aren’t sure, contact me and we’ll talk.
Pick Your Date and Hit the Sign Me Up Button
FYI: The Universe is mostly closed until January 28, 2025. The sign up has available dates from Jan. 28 onward.
Go Here to choose a date.
- Please DO NOT sign up for a post if your book is not in one of the genres listed above. Contact me if you are unsure if your book is right of the Universe.
- Please write a lively article–not an excerpt–of around 500 to 1000 words. In addition, include the cover and blurb of your book along with preorder or buy links. You can also add an author bio. Include any images you want to go with your post and/or bio.
- IMPORTANT! Submit your post at least 2 weeks before the date you signed up for. If you are going to be late, just let me know. Sad Story–I’ve had authors send their posts to me the day before or even the day of their scheduled post. This causes me to go into anxiety overload–and nobody wants that.
- Please provide trigger warnings as needed. We love everything, but we want to give a heads-up to anyone who might need it.
- A best practice: Link to your own website where readers can find an excerpt or more info about you and your writing. The goal is to capture readers and sell them your books 🙂
- Do link to your social media. Just add the links to your post.
- Be aware that I will bounce posts if they are late and I have not heard from you. I’ll also bounce posts if they do not fit the guidelines—mainly if the topic doesn’t work for my peeps or is way too long. Seriously, I hate to be a harda$$ about this kind of thing, but based on experience, a little hard a$$ery is sometimes required. Let me know if you have questions or if anything doesn’t make sense.
Suggestions for Topics
Sorchia’s Universe caters to vampires and werewolves, trolls and gnomes, Jinn and genies, fairies and Faeries, the occasional goblin, and all the witches. We love any topic that deals with the paranormal, the occult, the mysterious and shady, and the just plain odd. We also love learning about your writing—tell us how you get ideas and how you go about the magic of turning ideas into a book.
In general, anything that deals with the magical side of life or something mysterious that intrigues you. Thought-provoking posts that surprise us or leave us with questions about what is real and what is not are the very best!
We don’t mind if you recycle a post you’ve used before. Just make sure it fits our guidelines and will appeal to the beings in Sorchia’s Universe.
- Top Ten lists—cult classic horror movies/witchy books/new paranormal authors—you get the idea.
- Slice of an Author’s Life—Do you write with a cat in your lap, a gecko on your shoulder, or a ghost sitting beside you? We want pictures.
- Writing tips and tricks—Many of my readers are also authors. What can you add to the collective? Can we learn from your mistakes and from your triumphs? Do you have a go-to source for information? How do you organize and get in the Zone?
- Hobbies—Especially if your hobby involves crystals or herbs or hexes or moon watching—but really, any hobby works for us.
- Recipes—Recipes are spells. Tell us what’s cooking and why it works.
- Favorite foods—This could be holiday related—Best Halloween snacks/ Easy Yule pastries/ Tasty Easter treats.
- Favorite vacation spots—haunted vacations or experiences—folklore about a place or object you encountered.
- Research gold—something interesting that relates to your book—bonus if it is a little weird. Double bonus if it is spooky. Triple bonus if you can work in some tasteful eye candy.
Save the content as a Word (.doc or .docx) or .rtf file. Save images separately as jpegs . Please don’t send images bigger than 300kbs.
Submit your Content Right HERE
- Click Select File below where it says UPLOAD YOUR CONTENT HERE in purple.
- From the window that opens, select the file you want to send by double-clicking it.
- Once the name of your file appears in the box, select Upload File.
- Wait for the Woohoo! Message.
- Upload another file if needed. At this time, the form only accepts one item at a time, so you may need to upload your images separately. You can also put everything in one Word file and I will extract images from there.
If the upload dealy-o below doesn’t work, email your content as attachments to SorchiasUniverse@SorchiaDubois.com.
If you have any trouble doing any of this, let me know. I’ll be happy to walk you through it. I’m working on an Infographic, too.
Upload Your Content Here
Upload Novel Magic Content and Images