
65 posts

Novel Magic: Unexpected Journey to Writing

It seems we all come to Writing by different paths–even those of us who always planned to be writers. Nothing works as expected in life, but–in the end–we get where we were going. Novel Magic guest, Christina Lambert, shares her story. Words, Worlds, and Possibilities by Christina Lambert My Unexpected Journey into Writing I have always loved writing. For years, I wrote poetry and essays for fun, then stored them in a folder, never to be seen again. I never […]

Novel Magic in Sorchia's Universe. sparkling stars on a colorful abstract field.

Novel Magic: The Turkish Affair

The Turkish Affair A romantic mystery by J. Arlene Culiner I know many readers expect a romantic suspense to resemble a television drama with stalkers, a serial killer or two, car chases, shoot outs, terror, gun-packing super heroes and heroines. But I’ve always preferred realistic stories, even in the romance genre. I’m certain that, if I were being threatened by a madman, I’d be so wrought up, I wouldn’t have time to fall in love. Besides, in real life, there’s […]

BookWhammy: Brand New Release–Stone Protector by Chris Redding

Stone Protector by Chris Redding Half gargoyle, half fairy Aileen Foley has never fit into either world. She’s spent her life separated from humans and would like to keep it that way. Along comes Tex, a human who disregards the walls she’s put up. But when she is assigned to protect his sister and the pair stumble on a plot by goblins to take over the world she can’t deny that being a part of something bigger than herself feels […]

“A Cold Spring” Episodes 13 and 14

The Witch hits the fan in these episodes of “A Cold Spring.”  Need to find previous episodes? Start HERE. Episode 13: Magic of the Darker Sort Stately stewards carried in the main course on silver platters—a savory roast seasoned with rosemary and thyme. The sumptuous fragrance drew oohs and ahhs from the assemblage.  Cutlery clinked on the fine china, crystal goblets glittered, and the hall filled with laughter. Conversation bubbled throughout the room, ebullient as the champagne. Even the older […]

“A Cold Spring” Episodes 11 and 12

Looking for previous episodes of “A Cold Spring?” Start HERE with a pdf of episodes 1-8 and a post of episodes 9 and 10. Episode 11: Kinship Will Out In the ensuing years, Aunt Clarissa and I discovered many of our kin whose wits had not been so muddled with wine or so shocked with disbelief that they could not escape the carnage of Old Highmoor Castle. Still and all, better than two thirds of both the Darkmores and the […]

“A Cold Spring” Episodes 7 and 8

Witches and curses and magic–OH, MY! “A Cold Spring” is a wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimy story of tragedy and survival.  If you’ve just discovered it and don’t want to wander all over the Interwebs to read previous episodes–scroll to the bottom for a pdf of Episodes 1-8. Episode 7: Goblets of Fine, Old Wine Goblets of very fine and very old wine delivered by a young and slightly inebriated La Croix cousin put an end to any thoughts of a clandestine rendezvous […]