
10 posts

Scarlet at Crystal River by Randy Overbeck

Novel Magic: Ghostly Encounters

We always welcome ghosts to Sorchia’s Universe! Randy Overbeck’s latest release, Scarlet at Crystal River, combines hauntings with romance and a murder. Who can resist that? A New Ghost Story by Randy Overbeck Crafting a new ghost story is no simple feat for me.             When I envisioned the Haunted Shores Mysteries, I set out to create something different. I wasn’t interested in imitating the terrifying, blood-curdling ghost tales of authors like Stephen King and Dean Koontz. At the same […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Book Review: Spirits of Southeast Alaska by James P. Devereaux

By now you know my tastes–spooky or steamy or Scottish or all three–and when I find something share-worthy, I like to pass it along. This month’s selection falls firmly into the spooky category. Spirits of Southeast Alaska came to me by way of my daughter who got it by way of a co-worker and friend who just happens to be the author. Anyone who loves a good ghost story will find this little book hard to put down. From the […]

13 Zoraida Grey Tricks and Treats–Happy Halloween, Witches!

She’s one crazy witch and she went live on October 28. Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones is the first in a three-book series that will take Zoraida from Arkansas to Scotland to the Yucatan Jungle and back again. Since we are at the heart of Witching Season, here are Thirteen Tricks and Treats you’ll find in the book. And be sure to enter the contest for a chance to win a smoky quartz necklace. A Castle: Fantastic Castle Logan in […]

A Haunted Halloween Hop–Painted Lady Ghosts of Scotland

Welcome to my Stop on ABA’s Haunted Halloween Hop. Keep hopping by using the list of writers at the bottom of this post. My topic? Ghosts, of course. When I decided to write Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones, I wanted the series to be chock full of everything I love—haunted castles, men in kilts, witches, Scotland, did I mention men in kilts, and–lastly but not leastly–ghosts. A quick bit of research reveals that Scotland glows with female ghosts of various hues. […]

Skeletons in the Closet at Fyvie Castle

Whew–Better Late than Never !  Happy Spring Equinox. Here’s a nice little ghost story to help you celebrate.   Fyvie Castle has it all, curses, ghosts, and skeletons in the walls. The curse was put on the castle by non-other than Thomas the Rhymer (fl. c. 1220 – 1298) who was once stolen by elves—more likely the Sidhe, the Celtic version of fairies. But these fairies aren’t the lovable little winged sweeties you see in cartoons. In fact, a Campbell storyteller […]

Spectral Pipers–Musical Ghosts of Scotland

Scottish bagpipes and Scottish Ghosts get equal billing in Sorchia’s Universe for this post. Maligned as much as they are loved, bagpipes and bagpipers play a huge (yuuuge) part in Scottish paranormal lore. But before we get to the ghosts: Why do bagpipers walk while they play?  A moving target isharder to hit.  What’s the difference between a bagpiper and an onion? Nobody cries when you chop up a bagpiper. I understand the inventor of the bagpipes was inspired when he […]