Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Friday Fictioneers: It’s Just Business

I almost despaired with this week’s prompt.  It looks so ripe with succulent possibilities but I couldn’t think of anything for the longest time.  I’ve been AWOL for a few weeks with book signings and events.  Happy to be back with this one.  Thanks, as always, Rochelle!!!

It’s Just Business

“Why would any fairy wear shoes made of something from a spider’s butt?”

Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy
Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy

Peaseblossom flicked her wings, wishing she’d stayed in bed.

“You had sparrow eggs and goat cheese for breakfast, didn’t you?” Pyewacket kept his eyes on the dark forest path.

“Yes. Why?”

“Never mind. Spider web makes the strongest boots. Shh.”

The spider snored in the web’s center, a black shadow against the moon. High in the oak, a luminous web-wrapped bundle danced at the end of sticky strings.

“What’s that.”

“Willowkin, the Queen’s bootmaker.” Pyewacket rolled spider web into a ball. “At least he was until today.”


Shameless Self-Promotion:  Still looking for Christmas gifts?  You have

Cover by Oghma Creative
Cover by Oghma Creative

plenty of time to get copies of Just Like Gravity for the romance reader on your list–and maybe one for yourself, too.  Order it HERE.


Click on my Front Page in the menu at the top to find the latest info–including a contest. The Entrance to Sorchia’s Universe–FrontPage.

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