Book Review

3 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Book Review: Spirits of Southeast Alaska by James P. Devereaux

By now you know my tastes–spooky or steamy or Scottish or all three–and when I find something share-worthy, I like to pass it along. This month’s selection falls firmly into the spooky category. Spirits of Southeast Alaska came to me by way of my daughter who got it by way of a co-worker and friend who just happens to be the author. Anyone who loves a good ghost story will find this little book hard to put down. From the […]

Book Review: Santorini Sunset by Clair Croxton

Nobody’s perfect but Caroline feels less perfect than anyone else on the planet. Yes, I’m fat and can’t keep a man. Move on please. Nothing to see here except humiliation. I’ll make an appointment to get the loser L tattooed on my forehead before the wedding. Small talk with Mother is like a bikini wax done with hot tar. She’s pressed to be matron of honor at her super-model sister’s wedding and she invents a hunky boyfriend to save face—since […]

Book Review: Noisy Creek by Pamela Foster

Greetings and Felicitations.  During this gift-giving season, I’d like to suggest you forget the department stores and support local businesses including local artists and writers. With that in mind, I’m going to be posting reviews of books by local authors from now until Christmas.  If you have a book you want me to review, leave a note.  I can only read so fast, but I’m willing to try.   My Review: Pam Foster cooked up quite a tasty dish in […]