Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Bucket List

Copyright-Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Copyright-Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

“No dragon will let you ride him. You’re crazy.” Joe’s voice is distant, far below my perch atop the palm tree. He’s hiding in the bushes.

I flip him the bird, shifting my butt on the coconuts at the tree’s tiptop. Far to the east, an ember breaks from the rising sun. It grows into the shape of a blue-green dragon. He’s moving fast; coming toward the offering of gold, the bait.

A hot wind from his wings stirs the palm fronds. He purrs and settles near the gold below me. I take a breath. I push off.


Warning: Shameless Self-Promotion follows.

Cover by Oghma Creative
Cover by Casey Cowan of Oghma Creative

My first novel, Just Like Gravity, is now available at Amazon. Here’s the link: It’s a paranormal romance/adventure kind of thing. If you’ve enjoyed any of my Friday fictioneering, you might like it.

Also, check out my new website at designed by the multi-talented Jan Morrill.

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