Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

A-Z Blog Challenge 2015–Crystal Fix–Emerald



  Is For Emerald.




Emeralds represent the earth, green and nurturing and loving.

  • Place an emerald near a green candle and visualize the love you want to come into your life. Then tuck the emerald away as a pendant or in your pocket. When this love appears, you’ll recognize it/him/her immediately.
  • If the stone changes color, it may signal infidelity.
  • Gaze at its soothing color to rest tired, stressed eyes.
  • Emeralds aid in recovery after an infectious illness and can help treat malignant conditions.
  • A clear stone is good for mental attunement.
  • Polished stones can protect from enchantments and foresee the future.
  • Don’t wear emeralds constantly as they can attract negative emotions with prolonged contact.
  • Emeralds hold the fecundity of spring in a stone.  Be cautious or you’ll sprain something.


Tomorrow’s Crystal Fix: Flourite

 Bonus–Last year for the A-Z Blog challenge, my theme was Magic. See the E is for Equinox post HERE.

Do you love witches and crystals and romance and danger?  Make a note on your Calendar: Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones will be released by Oghma Creative Media in September.  Go HERE to find out more!

If you can’t wait that long, get a copy of Just Like Gravity HERE or HEREcropped-final-gravity-front-3-527x800-422x640-280x4251.jpg.

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