Welcome to the Universe! Thanks a million for being my guest. I’ll email you when the post is approved and officially on my calendar.
We’re pretty laid-back here in the U, but if you have questions, check out the FAQ or contact me.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’ll email you to confirm the booking. If you don’t receive this confirmation within 24 hours, contact me at SorchiasUniverse@sorchiadubois.com.
Probably not. My hardy band of blog followers are looking for spooky, witchy, mysterious weirdness. Fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror, YA fantasy, and paranormal romance are the genres I prefer. If you have something different, but it still fits the spooky, witchy, mysterious, and weird requirement, contact me, and we’ll talk.
Short answer: I don’t think that kind of promo is effective on a blog like mine. Long answer: It’s hard to promote straight promos—I mean, you are already promoting the cover and blurb all over social media, right? If that’s working—great! But if you want to attract new potential book buyers, one of the best ways is to lure them with candy—intriguing content that hooks them. We want them to read your post and say, “Hey, this author has something going on! I want more of that.” They click the link to your website or to buy your book, and you have captured them.
Your post should be around 500 or so words long. A bit more is fine. Write about your hobby or your favorite food or vacation. Tell us about a ghostly encounter. If your book was inspired by a spooky event/person/place, tell us about that. Give us a slice of your authorly life. Top Ten lists are great. Tell jokes. Ideally, whatever you write will be related to your book, but your topic can also be about writing, being an author, being a mom/granny/dad/uncle/aunt or whatever. Tell us about a cause you are passionate about and how we can learn more.
Over and above that 500 or so words of your post, include your cover and blurb, an optional short author bio and image, your social media links, a link to your own website where readers might find excerpts, THE BUY LINKS. Contests or giveaways are wonderful. If you have a reader magnet to get newsletter sign-ups—add that, too.
Scroll to the bottom of the SIGN UP Page. Upload your Word or RTF document here. If your images are separate files, you will need to upload them, too. If the upload dealy-o doesn’t work, email your content as attachments to SorchiasUniverse@sorchiadubois.com. Please put NOVEL MAGIC CONTENT in the subject line.