
2 posts

Blue Moon

Blue Moon–It May Not Mean What You Think it Means

The Moon is Center Stage in January and March! The phrase “Blue Moon” has been used for over 500 years to indicate something unlikely or downright false. In 1528 a group of surly friars used the phrase  in a pamphlet criticizing Cardinal Thomas Wolsey-. “O churche men are wyly foxes… Yf they say the mone is blewe, We must beleve that it is true.“ That’s the first written record and, given the times, I’m assuming those friars were burnt at the […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

L is for Lunar

The word lunar comes to us by way of Middle English where it meant “crescent shaped.” Before that, of course, it started as the Latin word luna meaning “moon.” From this, we now have Looney, lunatic, and lunacy. Anybody who works with large numbers of people or animals knows the full moon definitely affects behavior. As a teacher, I can tell you that during the three days of the full moon, anything goes in the classroom. Those little brains soak […]