
6 posts

13 Zoraida Grey Tricks and Treats–Happy Halloween, Witches!

She’s one crazy witch and she went live on October 28. Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones is the first in a three-book series that will take Zoraida from Arkansas to Scotland to the Yucatan Jungle and back again. Since we are at the heart of Witching Season, here are Thirteen Tricks and Treats you’ll find in the book. And be sure to enter the contest for a chance to win a smoky quartz necklace. A Castle: Fantastic Castle Logan in […]

Past Lives and Dodgy People–Just Like Gravity

   Just Like Gravity is a paranormal romance set in Scotland, but it’s not all about drinking  🙂  The story traces two of Anna’s past lives. This excerpt is from a not-so-good time in 1604.        Mariel bounced against the wooden shelving along the side of the small room but kept her balance. Mrs. Campbell seized her shoulder, digging her fingernails into Mariel’s thin arm. “I know what you did. You put a spell on my man just as you did on […]

Just Like Gravity–another little taste

   Just Like Gravity is a paranormal romance set in Scotland. Anna has bad dreams–so bad she wakes up screaming two nights out of three.  She smells the blood. She feels the knife. The dreams lead her to Scotland where she hopes to find their cause. Hiking the Great Glen Way, she becomes separated from her daughter and meets a drunken Scotsman with troubles of his own.   He’s intrigued by her confession–something she didn’t mean to say.   We […]

What Happens When a Scotsman Gives an American Woman a Taste of Laphroaig?

   Just Like Gravity is a paranormal romance set in Scotland. Anna has bad dreams–so bad she wakes up screaming two nights out of three.  She smells the blood. She feels the knife. The dreams lead her to Scotland where she hopes to find their cause. Hiking the Great Glen Way, she becomes separated from her daughter and meets a drunken Scotsman with troubles of his own.   Anna finds him annoying, but when he offers her a wee nip […]

Oghmaniacal Blogathon–Day 6–A snippet of Just Like Gravity

Day 6 of the Oghmaniacal Blogathon!! During the month of February, authors who publish with Oghma Creative Media will be showcasing their work and their blogs.   Today, take a look at this snippet from my Gothic adventure/romance novel, Just Like Gravity.   Anna:  Chapter 1 All Scotsmen Can Go to Hell I was in no mood to deal with men of any size, shape, or state of inebriation, but it was definitely a man who stood in my way. […]


One week is not enough time to explore the awesomeness of Scotch.  Sorchia has declared the entire month of December as Whisky Month.  Go to for updates. Early in the life of Just Like Gravity, I started researching. It’s a dirty job, but a necessary one and I want you to know just how seriously I take it. Since the book is set in Scotland, I obviously needed to know as much about the culture as possible and, well, […]