Just Like Gravity

15 posts

fortune teller with shifty eyes

Fortune Tellers and Sooth Sayers

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Predicting the Future: Fortune Tellers use many methods I’ve got an abnormal interest in fortune tellers. You’ll find at least one in pretty much everything I’ve written. Anna, in Just Like Gravity, follows the cards to Scotland where she finds a tall, dark Scotsman. Zoraida, in my Zoraida Grey series, comes from a long line of magical types who not only have the ability to tell the future, they want to control it.     […]

Listen to the Sound of my Voice: Guided Imagery for Past Life Regression

So here you are sitting in the office of a hypnotherapist getting ready for your first past life regression. You’ve practiced meditation, you’ve got a question you want answered, and you’ve got your safe place all ready–just in case. Now what? Here is a version of the guided imagery my hypnotherapist used as we went into the session. If you want to do this at home–and you can–record your own version or just run through it in your mind as […]


I’m the feature at Long and Short Reviews Anniversary party today only!  Answer a question about Just Like Gravity and enter the contest for $100 Amazon  or Barnes and Noble Gift card and other prizes. Just click the picture to go directly to my featured post.   WHAT!! You say you haven’t read JLG yet! Pick up a copy HERE.  And check out my new release–Coming in October 2015–Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones.

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Crystal Fix– Adamantine

Welcome to Sorchia’s Universe!  During this year’s A-Z Blog Challenge, I’ll be featuring healing crystals.As a bonus, I’ll also link my posts from last year’s challenge during which my theme was Magic! Check the bottom of each post to see what’s up tomorrow and to find the link to Magic Posts. If you enjoy–please leave me a note.  I’m learning about crystals myself, so if you are a crystal-ologist (:) additions and comments are most welcome.  Thanks for stopping by. (Today’s post is […]

What Happens When a Scotsman Gives an American Woman a Taste of Laphroaig?

   Just Like Gravity is a paranormal romance set in Scotland. Anna has bad dreams–so bad she wakes up screaming two nights out of three.  She smells the blood. She feels the knife. The dreams lead her to Scotland where she hopes to find their cause. Hiking the Great Glen Way, she becomes separated from her daughter and meets a drunken Scotsman with troubles of his own.   Anna finds him annoying, but when he offers her a wee nip […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Oghmaniacal Blogathon–The Writers Scotch and Salad Diet–A Starter Salad

  In the old days, writers wrote in drafty garrets with only rats, a crust of stale bread, and a bottle of cheap wine to keep them company—and they produced some pretty good stuff. But these days, we know about a little thing called health. Think what all those pale, sickly writers of yore could have done with good teeth and a happy digestive tract.   As a writer, my days are spent typing, thinking about ways to get away […]