For the Love of Hawthorne

2 posts

For the Love of Hawthorne by Diana

Novel Magic: For the Love of Hawthorne

Historical Romance complicated by ghosts of the past. Nathaniel and Sophia Hawthorne called themselves Adam and Eve as he suffered the shame of his family’s connection to the Salem Witch Trials. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s courtship of Sophia Peabody lasted over three years because he insisted on keeping it secret. He had his reasons, none of which Sophia agreed with. But she knew they were destined for each other and he was worth the wait. When they married in 1842 “we became […]

For the Love of Hawthorne by Diana Rubino

Novel Magic: For the Love of Hawthorne by Diana Rubino

 Nathaniel Hawthorne authored such works as “Young Goodman Brown”–one of the best witchy tales ever– along with The House of the Seven Gables. Diana Rubino tells the true-life tale of Hawthorne’s romance with Sophie Peabody in this Novel Magic feature. Be sure to scroll down to enter the giveaway for a chance to win For the Love of Hawthorne PLUS an enchanted tale of my own. FOR THE LOVE OF HAWTHORNE by Diana Rubino Nathaniel Hawthorne’s courtship of Sophia Peabody […]