Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Novel Magic: For the Love of Hawthorne by Diana Rubino

 Nathaniel Hawthorne authored such works as “Young Goodman Brown”–one of the best witchy tales ever– along with The House of the Seven Gables. Diana Rubino tells the true-life tale of Hawthorne’s romance with Sophie Peabody in this Novel Magic feature. Be sure to scroll down to enter the giveaway for a chance to win For the Love of Hawthorne PLUS an enchanted tale of my own.


by Diana Rubino

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s courtship of Sophia Peabody lasted over three years because he insisted on keeping it secret. He had his reasons, none of which Sophia agreed with. But she knew they were destined for each other and he was worth the wait.

When they married in 1842 “we became Adam and Eve alone in our Garden of Even” she wrote in her journal. But not all was paradise in their Eden—Nathaniel bore a burden that plagued his family since 1692. His ancestor Judge Hathorne condemned nineteen innocent victims to death during the Salem witch trials. His heinous deeds brought shame and guilt upon the family through the centuries. In her last moments on earth, Sarah Good cursed the judge and his descendants from the hanging tree. Nathaniel’s belief in this curse haunted and tormented him until Sophia made it her quest to save him.

A story of love, compassion, and forgiveness, For the Love of Hawthorne portrays the lives of two kindred souls whose legacy endures through the ages.

For the Love of Hawthorne by Diana Rubino



(Sophia and Nathaniel’s visit to his cousin Susan Ingersoll at The House of the Seven Gables)


I went over to a curio cabinet and swept my eyes over the items on the shelves—a china doll wearing a calico dress, a stack of gold cups and saucers, a red and blue glass checkerboard propped up to display its surface…and a wooden hammer on the top shelf. Upon closer inspection, I saw it was a gavel that judges use in trials. Out of curiosity I picked it up and a shock ran through me as if electrified. Dear God, was it that gavel?

I dropped it to the rug. It landed with a thump. I bent to retrieve it. Somehow I knew it wouldn’t shock me this time—that was only an initial warning. “Something about it made me want to touch it, to pick it up and hold it.”

Nathaniel approached me. He stared at the gavel in my hand, horror darkening his eyes. His lips parted but no words emerged. I knew what he was thinking—the curse. He turned to his cousin, pointing at the gavel, his arm trembling.

Susan hurried over to us, took it from me and placed it back on the shelf. “Yes, it’s Judge Hathorne’s. What happened, Sophie? Are you all right?”

I looked down at my open hands, palms up. They burned as if I’d touched a hot poker. “That gavel—it carries something evil. Has anything happened to you with this, Susie?”

Nathaniel backed away and before Susan could answer me, he grasped her arm. “I begged you to get rid of that accursed thing! You know it shouldn’t be here!”

She looked from him to me, heaving a deep sigh. “I’m not inclined to dispose of it, Natty. It’s a family heirloom, notwithstanding its past.”

He gripped the chair, his face drained of color. “It’s downright evil. You know what he used that thing for.”

She held her hands up in surrender. “Very well, I’ll conceal it.” She took it off the shelf and slid it behind the checkerboard.

“That should not be in this house!” He stood his ground, his eyes fixed on the checkerboard as if it would melt in such close proximity to that horrid object.





For the Love of Hawthorne


Diana writes about folks through history who shook things up. Her passion for history and travel has taken her to every locale of her books, set in Medieval and Renaissance England, Egypt, the Mediterranean, colonial Virginia, New England, and New York. Her urban fantasy romance, FAKIN’ IT, won a Top Pick award from Romantic Times. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, the Richard III Society, and the Aaron Burr Association. When not writing, she owns CostPro, Inc., an engineering business, with her husband Chris. In her spare time, Diana bicycles, golfs, does yoga, plays her piano, devours books, and lives the dream on her beloved Cape Cod.

Visit Diana at

Diana’s Blog

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Contest runs from Midnight CST Sept. 8 to Midnight Sept. 14.

One winner. To enter, Select the link and follow the instructions–(you’ll need to leave a comment on the post.) Winner will be chose randomly and contacted via the email address entered here. The Winner will also be posted in Sorchia’s Universe at the end of the giveaway. Unless the winner provides additional info, we will send prizes to the email address we have. No additional winner will be chosen.

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