Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Get Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones–Book 1– for 99 Cents!

For the next three weeks, you can get Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones for the bargain basement  sale price of  99 cents!! Get the adventure started and be ready to pick it up when Zoraida Grey and the Voodoo Queen launches on August 1.

Along with the sale, you can enter my Witchmageddon Giveaway to win a hand-crafted, birthstone, tree-of-life pendant by the talented lady at StonedHill Creations on Etsy. AND, if you use the coupon code to tell her Sorchia Sent You, she’ll give you 10% off any additional purchase until August 21. Read through the reviews, enter the giveaway, and snag the coupon code at the end.

Visit my Witchmageddon Page for updates as we get closer to launch day!!


Get Your .99 copy HERE!

Preorder Zoraida Grey and the Voodoo Queen HERE!

This first book in the series took 3rd place in Romance Writers of America’s Prism Awards—sponsored by  FF&P– the Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal chapter– and reviewers have been positive from the start.

What Reviewers say about Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones


While the character development is amazing, it wouldn’t make any sense without an equally compelling backdrop. From the backcountry in Arkansas to the rarefied air of the Scottish relatives in their castle, one gets the impression that Zoraida is in way over her head. I could almost feel the warmth of the Arkansas countryside in contrast to the damp, dank, and dismal atmosphere in the Scottish castle. The contrasts in the two settings really help set the tone for the task that Zoraida and Zhu are undertaking.

I found myself captivated by Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones.

Charity Rowell On My Kindle Book Reviews

Zoraida’s sassy personality and her strong friendship (better described as a sisterhood) with Zhu drew me in from the start and made me like her right from the beginning. While the mystery and intrigue shrouding all the inhabitants of the Logan’s castle keeps the reader wondering about all of them throughout the entire book, Zoraida and Zhu’s bond is solid and enduring. The plot is fast-paced and lively enough to inspire the suspension of belief required to make the novel work.

Sam—Reading Alley Reviews

Ms. DuBois paints magic as natural and logical, dark and light. Experience and training, of which Zoraida has the least, determine how well a person can wield its power. I do love it when the heroine has a challenge. . . . Like I said, in Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones, you will find magic, mystery, wisdom, history, whiskey, tea and a cat – all sharing the path with twists, turns and anticipation. I have to have the next book in the series now!

(I straight up stole part of this review for a new tag line! Thanks Riley!!!)

Whiskey With my Book Blog


I love books about witches, old castles, and Scotland so all three rolled up into one…. It was a no-brainer. I just had to read “Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones” and you should too. . . .

. . . .For the ending, well, imagine the end of first Lord of the Rings movie. You know, the scene with Frodo and Sam were looking out over the land that lain between them and Mount Doom. Well, “Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones” ending gave me the same impression the LOTR ending did. The scene just stopped and you just know when part 2 picks up, something major is on the horizon, and you can’t wait to see it unfold.

Super Kam at Kam’s Place

I had a hard time deciding what I liked most about this read: the zany, endearing and sometimes fearsome characters; the atmosphere, thick as a Scottish stranglehold mist; the deep vortex of dark magic that swirls around every conversation and description or the sheer beauty of the writing that, in some spots, was so good I paused to read a line a second time, just so I could relish it all over again.

The writer keeps you guessing between two gorgeous male Scottish witches as to who’s the bad ‘un (and I’m not telling) just as she makes you squirm on Zoraida’s behalf from time to time. Does Zoraida, a babe in the woods compared to her magically-endowed Scottish relations, have the power she’s going to need to survive Castle Logan, save her best friend and accomplish Granny’s mission? And just what is Granny’s real mission after all?

If you enjoy stories full of black humor with an intelligent plot, this is for you. I loved every word and even though this story stands very nicely on its own, I hope the next book in the series makes a speedy appearance ‘cause I’m hanging off a cliff and I absolutely need to read on!

Laura Hartland—Amazon Reviewer

This book was filled with secrets, surprises, magic and the most amazing characters. Zoraida and Zhu managed to make me laugh throughout this book because of their uniqueness. What happens with the Crystal and whether Zoraida is successful in returning it to Granny and whether she and Zhu get out of the castle unscathed is something you will have to read for yourself and I guarantee you won’t be sorry. 

Linda Tonis –Paranormal Romance Guild reviewer

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Visit StonedHill Creations and use this coupon code to tell her Sorchia Sent You!