Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Party Alert!! Halloween in June

Join the party at 4 PST

You are herewith and hereby invited to my Summer Review Wars Facebook Party.

Where: Sorchia Dubois Summer Review Wars Facebook Party

When: 4 Pacific (6 Central or 7 Eastern)

What: A half hour of Halloween in June. Ask me anything!! Learn about my next book! Find out about an ongoing sale! Play games for prizes!

As part of the party, I’m doing some one-card Tarot readings. First come; First served and only comments from June 28.

If you miss the party, never fear. I’ll do another one before the summer is over. Follow my Facebook page or my Twitter account to get updates.

Or sign up for my newsletter–The Unearthly Tymes.

How: All you have to do is comment on this post with one of the following topics

  1. Work
  2. Love
  3. Family
  4. Money
  5. The Future

I’ll reply to your comment with your reading sometime between party time and Sunday, June 30, so be sure to come back to find your answer. These one-card readings are all in good fun. I’m pretty good, but don’t make major life changes based on my readings 🙂

And here is your REWARD!

FREE Short Story: “A Cold Spring” by Sorchia Dubois

Select the link above and get a free short story about witches and curses and magic–oh my.

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