
296 posts

Strange spells, curses, crafty things –All things magical from witches and crystals to herbs and handy spells.

A Post with No Name

I couldn’t decide between “Overdue Books” or “Dusty Tomes” as an official title for this one. Weigh in with a comment or make a different suggestion. And if anybody recognizes the obscure reference in the working title “a Post with No Name,” you totally get me and I want to know your name.   Thanks to Rochelle for hosting this madness for over two years! I was scared to try for most of her first year. An entire story in […]

Book Review: Noisy Creek by Pamela Foster

Greetings and Felicitations.  During this gift-giving season, I’d like to suggest you forget the department stores and support local businesses including local artists and writers. With that in mind, I’m going to be posting reviews of books by local authors from now until Christmas.  If you have a book you want me to review, leave a note.  I can only read so fast, but I’m willing to try.   My Review: Pam Foster cooked up quite a tasty dish in […]

Bucket List

“No dragon will let you ride him. You’re crazy.” Joe’s voice is distant, far below my perch atop the palm tree. He’s hiding in the bushes. I flip him the bird, shifting my butt on the coconuts at the tree’s tiptop. Far to the east, an ember breaks from the rising sun. It grows into the shape of a blue-green dragon. He’s moving fast; coming toward the offering of gold, the bait. A hot wind from his wings stirs the […]

Rules Were Made To Be Broken

Thanks, Rochelle, for hosting this party for two glorious years. I just started a little over a year ago. This little weekly exercise to write a 100 word (more or less) story using the photo prompt challenges us to cut the excess but precious verbiage– “killing our darlings” a few at a time every week. Great practice!!  to read and/or post, follow the froggy link. Rules Are Made To Be Broken “Witches can’t’ cross water. It’s a rule. She’s on […]

A Little Night Music

Join Friday Fictioneers at this link: A Little Night Music “It gets dark so early.” The salesgirl locked the music shop door and turned to her last customer. “I vould like an electricical pipe-organ.” The pale man spoke with a strange accent. “But I have no electricical.” “No problem.” She anticipated an easy sale. “These keyboards are battery powered.” At midnight, organ music shook her awake. A red-eyed window in the upper story of the old house at the end […]