
2 posts

Goddess Fish and S.K. Present: The Silvery Path by Dennis Scheel

A number of authors write with animals by their sides. I have no fewer than three cats at any given time lounging on my desk or on my lap or climbing on my shoulder or prowling across the keyboard. My guest shares his experiences with the furry muses. This is a Goddess Fish blog tour, so look for the contest to enter and be sure to visit all the stops. Slice of Author Life by Dennis Scheel I would like […]

Goddess Fish and S.K. Dubois present: The Dark Court by Vyvyan Evans

This post is a Goddess Fish Promotion. Author Vyvyan Evans will award a randomly drawn winner paperback copies of both book 1 and book 2 on the series. Scroll down to Enter! The Dark Court is set in the near future, featuring Lilith King, the world’s most celebrated cybercrime detective. Lilith had always known she was different. Attitude to burn for one thing. The strange chanting in her head since she was seven, for another, coinciding with the day her […]