
2 posts

A woman with frightened eyes stares from a dark room

Motivation for Murder

I’ve been blogging for more than 7 years and have published over 500 posts. I’m currently updating and recategorizing all of these posts to make the content easier to access. In the process, I found a gem of a post to re-share with you today. I’ve updated it a bit. Enjoy. This morbid and possibly disturbing post was first published in October of 2017. Let’s Talk About Murder–and the Motives Thereof, Shall We? Love, Lust, Lucre, and Loathing A bad […]

Novel Magic: From DIY to Mystery-Can Home Renovation Spark a Thrilling Tale

Any book with ‘Corpse’ in the title is going to be A-OK with me. And my Novel Magic guest, Lori Pollard-Johnson, spins a tale with a hidden body and a couple of BFFS who need to get to the bottom of a mystery. Women, Friendships, and Home Renovation           I’m often asked where I get my story ideas from, and my answer is always the same: people. I meet someone intriguing, or observe someone behaving outside the norm, and a […]