Yearly Archives: 2020

23 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Sorchia Reviews The Bravados by Parris Afton Bonds

A few years ago, I had the good fortune to meet Parris Afton Bonds at a writers conference. Though our encounter was brief, she was nothing but kind. In fact, she’s kind to everyone. She’s truly a warm and wonderful lady. Her stories may not be the normal paranormally fare of this page, but I wanted to share a review I wrote of her latest book. Get a copy for 99 cents and look for the next in the series […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Merry Christmas from Vampires, Werewolves, and Mermen.

A hapless witch. A newbie vamp. A blind date. What could possibly go wrong? Witch Harper Clarke is pretty sure misfortune follows her around like a bad smell. Her spells end in disaster, her dating agency forsupernaturals has an embarrassing lack of clients, and her love life is a washout. So, when a vampire signs up to the agency and shecan’t find him a match, she agrees to date the vamp herself.Charmer Damon Vertefeuille has it all: power, status, and […]

Novel Magic: The Course of True Love

Relationships are never easy, but when you’re dealing with werewolves, vampires, and mermen–you just don’t know what will happen. Check out three romantic books and stay until the end for an upcoming feature. A hapless witch. A newbie vamp. A blind date. What could possibly go wrong? Witch Harper Clarke is pretty sure misfortune follows her around like a bad smell. Her spells end in disaster, her dating agency forsupernaturals has an embarrassing lack of clients, and her love life […]

Novel Magic: Mystery and Romance

When a radical group targets Detective Nikki Jackson, she teams up with private investigator Sean Whitman in a race against theclock to stop the group from carrying out deadly plans. Will he get one last chance to show her he loves her? While working a case, Sean Whitman is tortured for information, drugged, and bitten against his will by a shape shifter. The falloutruins his career so he leaves town and opens a private investigation business. Learning to live life […]

The Revolutionary Act of Writing

The Revolutionary Act of Writing

Let’s take this premise: The apolitical author sells more books. I see the point. Right now, expressing a view on any given subject may indeed alienate people who feel differently. I have myself avoided the products of some celebrities who are rabidly opposed to something I am just as rabidly for. I don’t make a habit of it, but I do it from time to time. Just as often–even more often–I have gone out of my way to support artists […]

Novel magic, Mermainds, Magicians, and Monsters

Novel Magic: Mermaids, Magicians, and Monsters

The Letter for today is M! A ménage à trois of magically mysterious morphing merrymakers. Caltha the feisty shifter mermaid has no time for romance… but Jonty the warlock has a few tricks up his sleeve! Caltha Dooran is the toughest, fiercest shape-shifting mermaid in the western seas. She has three Clans to rule, and no time for romance. But when a warlock, Jonty, turns up and asks her to come with him to London to capture a water monster, […]