Daily Archives: April 27, 2017

2 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

A Cold Spring–Episode 24: Xenogenesis )Gimme a Break! Xes are Hard.

Two things happening this Sunday. Get ready for the big finale of “A Cold Spring.” I’ll have the entire story in a nice, neat pdf to make it easy to read.  Vote for Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones in the Long Paranormal category at  InDtale Magazine . You will need to register but it’s a free and easy process. Episode 23: Xenogenesis She sits on the ground beside a bonfire of driftwood, holding her hands out to the leaping flames. Early […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

A Cold Spring–Episode 23: Witches, Witches Everywhere

Have you voted? My book baby–ZORAIDA GREY AND THE FAMILY STONES–is in the running for a Rone Award. This is a big deal and I could use your help getting past this first round. Go to InDtale Magazine to vote. You will need to register but it’s a free and easy process.   Stay tuned for the big finale of “A Cold Spring.”  If you are following along, let me know what you think of it so far with a […]