Cameron Allie

2 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic Celebrates New Release: Love Spells, Full Moons, and Silver Bullets

New Release! Celebrate by entering the Rafflecopter contest to win a Chakra necklace. Check out the author interview and enter by March 18! And while you’re at it, sign up for Cameron’s newsletter and get a FREE story. Featured Author Interview: Meet Cameron Allie Do you write in other genres? Why or why not? Short answer, yes, as long as it’s romance. Longer answer: I write romance, but I have branched out across multiple subgenres. The bulk of my current […]

Love spells, Full Moons, and Silver Bullets by Cameron Allie

Novel Magic: Love Spells, Full Moons, and Silver Bullets

Everything we love! Witches, Werewolves, Weirdness!! Take a look at this week’s feature–you can get a FREE short story and an exclusive sneak peak at Love Spell, Full Moons, and Silver Bullets on the author’s website. Contests, giveaways and Freebies at the end. A Mortal’s Survival Guide to Clayridge By Cameron Allie A corn maze on one of the spookiest nights of the year sounds like fun, right? But once you get inside those tall stalks there’s no breeze. The […]