
505 posts
Award-winning author Sorchia Dubois lives in the piney forest of the Missouri Ozarks with eight cats, two fish, one dog, and one husband. A proud member of the Scottish Ross clan, Sorchia incorporates all things Celtic (especially Scottish) into her works. She can often be found at Scottish festivals watching kilted men toss large objects for no apparent reason.
Easter Renewal: SAD and How to Beat It Flowery tree against a spring sky.

Ostara (or Easter) Renewal: SAD and How to Beat It

Suddenly, it’s time to get the garden ready, to get ahead of the yard work, to clear the cobwebs and dust out of the house. For me, this is the time of year when the winter blahs have the strongest hold. I’m at the end of my reserves. The sun is still weak, and the nights are still dark. Summer still feels miles away. They call it Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Some years ago, the medical community accepted it as […]

Yard Sale Treasures: Cursed, Conjured, or Coincidence?

Are you in the market for malevolent energy? Dark histories. Curses? A premature death by unusual means? Look no further than your local yard sale. From haunted dolls to sinister paintings to fabulously cursed jewels—your next yard sale treasure could be a supernatural artifact. Do you really want to bring a cursed object into your living room? The allure of cursed objects lies in the mystery surrounding their origins and the inexplicable events that follow those who possess them. Please […]

From Crystal Balls to Crime Scenes: Exploring the Powers of Psychic Sleuths. Woman sitting behind a crystal ball. Her expression is perceptive and clever.

Crystal Balls to Crime Scenes: The Powers of Psychic Sleuths

In crime-solving, a unique breed of detectives emerges—those who transcend the conventional boundaries of investigation. Psychic detectives, armed with extraordinary abilities, navigate the ethereal to unravel mysteries that elude traditional methods. As the paranormal gains cultural prominence, the intersection of psychic insight and criminal justice sparks intrigue and debate. Coincidentally (or not), my next three books are paranormal mysteries about a gal with the gift of psychometry—the ability to sense facts about an object by touching it. These things happen […]

Astrology–A Mystical Art

Astrology is the study of how the motions of celestial bodies influence the day-to-day affairs of earthly observers. If you hold that the Universe is interconnected—everything influences everything else—i.e. A butterfly flaps its wings in China and Taylor Swift falls in love with a football player—then astrology makes perfect sense. In the deep quiet of winter, Fate seems very real and very close. Maybe it’s an ancient recollection of deadly cold and dwindling supplies—a collective memory of times when life […]

Sorchia Reviews: Everything We Never Said by Sloan Harlow

I read all the time and often use reading to procrastinate when I should be writing–I’m halfway finished with Birds of a Feather–just need to murder a couple more people and the draft will be finished. To make all this reading in some way useful, as well as to extend my procrastination even further, I sometimes review books at NetGalley—mostly mysteries and fantasies because that’s what we like here. Today’s book is a YA adventure/mystery titled Everything We Never Said […]

Fake Book Reviews: What We Can Learn

The phrase of the day is “Fake Book Reviews.” We’ve heard the horror stories about authors who discover people have left bad reviews because of grudges or out of a misplaced fear of competition. Fake book reviews can do lasting damage to book sales and worse to the psyche of the author who is the victim. But maybe we can take something positive away from the unpleasant reality of fake reviews. You may be familiar with this recent story—debut author […]