In Just Like Gravity, ghosts flit around an old house. One of them tosses books at Anna’s head, but another one shares important information with her. You can’t write a Scottish story without ghosts. My ghosts always wind up being charming and funny since I am charming and funny, myself. But what about the tortured, scary, pull-you-out-the-top-floor-window-and-laugh-while-you-fall kind of ghosts? Do you believe in spooks? Yes, photos and recordings are touted as proof, but it’s awfully easy to fake a […]
Welcome to the first of several A-Z blogs which will serve as shameless promotions for Just Like Gravity, my paranormal romance due out in March/April. You have been warned!! The protagonist, Anna, is a fortuneteller. She’s skeptical, though, and doesn’t really believe in divination though her mother taught her all the ways to do it. Then the bad dreams start—dreams so intense they leave her shaken and terrified of what is to come. She uses tarot cards to tell her […]
I’m writing on spring equinox, March 20. On the equinox, the earth and sun stand straight up in relation to each other. We are neither tilted away nor toward the sun; we are balanced. We have two of these; one in the spring and one in the fall and they are magical days indeed. The vernal equinox is really the mid-point of spring which started on February 2—also an old pagan celebration day halfway between the solstice and the equinox. […]
▶ Rhett Butler – Scarlett O’Hara: Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn… – YouTube. Today’s word is Damn—as in “Damn, I can’t find a magic word starting with D.” Then again, damn is a common curse word. It comes from a Latin word which means “to inflict loss on or to judge or to doom” and we still use it that way. In America, the word was not commonly—if ever—used in print or film until Margaret Mitchell wrote […]
Looking for magic words eventually led me to the dark side—curses. What if some jealous jinn or a wandering malevolent spirit saw fit to send snaking coils of evil magic my way? It seemed only prudent to be ready to zap enemies into green goo if necessary. Even Pagans don’t encourage curses though it is often argued some people invite curses. The logic is that a curse has to be pretty strong to go against Karma so if a curse […]
Friday Fictioneer contribution for April the twoth. Rochelle, at, posts the picture prompt on Wednesdays. The challenge is to write a 100-word story from it. Theatrical superstitions and legends abound. I chose Macbeth, of course, and hope this homage doesn’t seem cheeky to Shakespearean experts—of whose number I am not one. If you enjoy my Friday Fictioneer entries, take a minute to look at my A-Z Blogs. Residuals The lights come up. My cue. My gauzy gown about me […]