Novel Magic

86 posts

Do You Really Believe in ghosts Novel magic in Sorchia's Universe Crimson at Cape May by Randy Overbeck

Novel Magic: Do You Really Believe in Ghosts?

People have been reporting ghostly phenomena for centuries–millennia, even–but are these reports the results of bad digestion or good whisky? OR is there something out there? Author Randy Overbeck provides context for the debate along with info about his Haunted Shores Mystery series. Meet Randy and grab your own copies of his books–if you DARE. Don’t forget to enter the May Giveaway. Do You Believe? by Randy Overbeck “Do you really believe it ghosts?”             During my author talks and […]

Rise of the Storm Warrior by M. Garnett Novel Magic in Sorchia's Universe

Novel Magic: How To be an Author

Novel Magic takes a look at the nuts and bolts of being an author with Muriel Yantiss. We all have our secrets and rituals. Mine include sandalwood incense, amethyst, a lucky writing bra, and the occasional blood sacrifice. Read on for a look at Muriel’s latest release Rise of the Storm Warrior and don’t forget the April Giveaway. Demons, Killers, Spaceships and Authors. Being an author is an interesting state of mind full of killers, spaceships, and childhood tales. As I […]

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice Renaud

Novel Magic: Inspired by Welch Legends

Novel Magic guest Alice Renaud talks about the inspiration behind her latest release, the award winning paranormal romance Mermaids Marry in Green, and her favourite Welsh monsters! You know how I love legendary critters–especially those who are said to loiter about in ‘this blessed plot” which I (in typical American fashion) think of as including England, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Wales, the Hebrides, the Isle of Man…and you get the idea. Alice gives us a peek into her process and how […]

Novel Magic: Look into the Future with Izzibella Beau

Would you like to be able to see into the future–to predict events–know when a loved one is in danger? My guest today may be able to do just that. Check out Izzibella Beau’s experiences with the paranormal and grab a copy of Revelations. Then check out two ways to get FREE BOOKS. Revelations_Separate Worlds Series by Izzibella Beau What happens when two totally different people from two separate worlds collide? This is the story of Zach and Emily, their […]

Novel Magic: Spirit in Time

Novel Magic features a timey-wimey tale of ghosts and romance. After you read about Spirit in Time, check out the February Be Mine Bookish Giveaway sponsored by N.N. Light Literary Promoter. Speaking of time–The time has come to vote in the Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewers’ Choice Award. Zoraida Grey has been nominated in the GHOSTS/HORROR/PARANORMAL/URBAN/FANTASY/FOLKLORE/MYTHOLOGY/OCCULT/MYSTERY/SCI-FI/EROTICA – SERIES category. Voting ENDS on February 12. Vote HERE!! Time is not on her side! Time travel isn’t real. It can’t be real. But […]

Color of Fear Seris by Lyndi Alexander

Novel Magic: Three by Lyndi Alexander

Start the year with a series of thrillers. The first Novel Magic of 2021–bioterrorism! Seems about right! Check out the Color of Fear series by Lyndi Alexander. Courage is sometimes just doing what needs to be done. Alone in a strange country, pursued by a secret assassin, Lin Kwan has just one goal: take the herbs he needs to her scientist father to save what is left of humanity. Terrorists launch a plague in the United States that spreads to […]