Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Free Tarot Readings for PRG Book Club Members and a Contest for Everybody

I’m taking over the PRG Book Club’s FaceBook page this week.  It’s a fun opportunity and a chance to connect with people who read the kinds of things I write. Stop by and get a reading if you are curious.  You will need to join the group and wait for approval, which usually comes within a very short time.

On Tuesday, July 14, and again on Friday, July 17, I’m doing free tarot readings between 5 and 7 p.m. CST on the PRG Book Club FaceBook page. Anna, the main character in my paranormal romance, Just Like Gravity, reads tarot cards though her skills don’t help her a great deal during the story.

As I researched the book, I fell in love with tarot and began reading a couple of years ago. I don’t claim to be an expert, but I do try my best to interpret what the cards show. I use a Rider-Waite deck and for general readings like the ones I will do for the PRG Book Club, I usually pull three cards; past, present, future.

In addition to the free tarot readings, I’m offering a signed, hardback copy of Just Like Gravity as  Prize. To enter, see below or simply post a comment with the words Sorchia Rocks in it. I’ll announce the winner here and on the PRG Book Club FaceBook page on Sunday, July 19.

a Rafflecopter giveaway