
185 posts

Novel Magic in Sorchia's Universe. sparkling stars on a colorful abstract field.

Novel Magic Promos are Back

Mondays are once again Novel Magic Mondays in Sorchia’s Universe. Keep any eye out for paranormal romance, magically delicious mysteries, chilling thrillers, and other books about things that go bump in the night. I may grab a spot occasionally, but most of the books you’ll read about on Novel Magic Mondays are written by talented authors from all over the world.   You can look at past Novel Magic posts by selecting Novel Magic in the Find More Great Posts […]

For a Local Legends post, the local area is from Mansfield on the west to Piedmont on the east and from Salem on the north to Thayer on the south--roughly.

Free Author Promotion: Sign Up Here!

Are you a writer in search of Free Promotion? Here ya go along with a checklist for getting it done. And BTW, I’m back in the editing business, too. See This Page for more info. The Universe is slowly beginning to spin again. Nothing keeps the magic flowing better than a bubbling crowd of lovely writers–eccentric writers, eclectic writers, and downright crazy writers. I’ve missed you all so! And nothing draws authors faster than free promos. If you’re wondering where […]

candlesticks in leaves

Cursed Candlesticks

2022 was a year to forget in Sorchia’s Universe. I blame it on a couple of brass candlesticks. What? You may say. How can candlesticks possibly be at the root of all the whining you’ve done in the past year? And I would answer in a high pitched voice, “They can if they are cursed! That’s how!” I’m a fairly lucky person—that’s why I’m alive today–but as soon as those damn candlesticks came in my house, crap started happening and […]

Novel Magic: Farewell and Adieu–well, sort of

You know how life has a perverse habit of going from dull to intense and back again—sometimes on the same day? That’s the way it’s been for all of us during the past couple of years, I think. All the way from boredom to terror and back in the space of a few days or even in a few minutes. For me, the pandemic was coupled with a cancer diagnosis and the resultant surgery and chemotherapy. I have been incredibly […]

Novel Magic Hunts Sea Monsters

What’s a better beach read than a pirate tale? A pirate tale with vampires, that’s what. Author Marilyn Barr tells us what’s lurking in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean in her new release: Walk the Plank. Monsters of the 1718 Caribbean Sea I love writing paranormal romance. There is something about showing a reader the redeeming qualities of a monster and demonstrating how everyone deserves to be loved. I’m also a homeschool mom with my own little classroom of […]

Novel Magic: Writing Out of your Comfort Zone

Take a trip to the Old West for a paranormal romp. Watch for a review of An Angel’s Wylder Assignment soon Writing Out of Your Comfort Zone By Tena Stetler Magic, the paranormal, and the unexplained have always been my wheelhouse. Even as far back as grade school, I wrote vampire tales for my friends. When I took the opportunity to write full-time, I polished one of my paranormal romances and submitted it. Lo and behold, I received a contract […]