
190 posts

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Novel Magic: Defeating Writers Block with Author Candace Hardy

Writers Block is no joke. My guest, Author Candace Hardy, tells us how she learned to overcome that pesky fear of the blank page. Writing and Publishing My Debut Novel—with Writer’s Block By Candace Hardy My debut novel was born in November 2019—at NaNoWriMo, of course. It’s no surprise that I didn’t write 50,000 words during that first NaNo. At that time, I didn’t have a method for managing my writer’s block. All the years I worked full-time, I fit […]

Enchanting Escapes: Spellbinding Subgenres of Fantasy Fiction

In a previous blog, my guest, Leslie D. Soule, discusses why she chooses to write in the Fantasy genre. Fantasy subgenres narrow down the particular flavor of fantasy you are looking for but this got me thinking about the inadequacies of genres in general and the problems of pigeonholing books into one or the other. Mind you, I don’t have an alternative system in mind; I’m just griping about how we do it now without any suggestions. This is what […]

FallenWood Chronicles: A Fantasy Series by Leslie D. Soule

In association with Goddess Fish Promotions, I’m happy to welcome Leslie D. Soule to the Universe. This post is part of a Goddess Fish Promotions Blog tour to promote Leslie’s Fallenwood Chronicles series. You can read more about FallenWood Chronicles at every stop on the tour–plus you can enter the giveaway, too! Comment at each stop–INCLUDING HERE AT SORCHIA’S UNIVERSE– to increase your chances of winning. Find all the stops Here. If you’re new to Sorchia’s Universe, take a look […]

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Novel Magic: Explore Ghostly Operas with Author Erica Miner

Ghostly Operas are on tap for this Novel Magic post. Author Erica Miner–also a noted violinist–tells us all about the inspiration for her latest mystery–Prelude to Murder. Opera in the Ghostliest City in the US: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? by Erica Miner Opera stories are among the bloodiest, most violent ever written. An opera house is the perfect environment for mischief and mayhem. What takes place offstage can be even more dramatic than what occurs onstage. At the Santa […]

Sorchia's Universe Logo shows silhouette of cat against a full Moon. and S.K. Dubois

Choosing Novel Categories: Is Hard-Boiled, Crime Fiction, Paranormal/Fantasy Mystery Too Much?

An incredibly complex task associated with writing books is determining under which categories–i.e. genres–to list them. Is it a Romance or a Thriller? It seems reductive to categorize any book in such a narrow way. Nonetheless, we must have labels, so we catalog and organize books into genres, subgenres, and sub-subgenres to help interested readers find the perfect read—and so certain giant online retailers can judge us by our genre. I’m getting ready to publish a couple more books—and update […]

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Novel Magic: Hawaii’s Deadly NightMarchers

My guest, Author Sarah P. Blanchard, tells us about Hawaii’s deadly Nightmarchers and shares more about her debut novel, Drawn from Life. Exciting times in the Universe today! , a psychological thriller, releases TODAY! April 1.  Special Price Alert! Get the ebook for 1.99! Hurry because this price is good only until April 7. Go HERE to read an early review. One of Sarah’s characters in Drawn from Life is a rookie detective from Hawaii, where Sarah lived for a […]