
173 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Crescent Creek Collection by Viviana MacKade

A Crescent Creek Haunting by Viviana MacKade Every place has its heart, which is made from all of its people’s feelings, all of their lives. People make bricks and rocks come to life, turn houses in homes. Make them come alive. Which is why I’m sure every place has ghosts. Crescent Creek is a Contemporary Series, so you won’t find any ghost or supernatural thing happening there. It doesn’t mean Crescent Creek doesn’t have its own ghosts. It’s Florida, after […]

Novel Magic: Banshee, I Hear You

Banshee, I Hear You by Mageela Troche In Irish folklore, a banshee is a woman who heralds death by wailing. She is described as ghastly complexion and with red eyes from the tears. So, why would I call my heroine, Rowen MacKenzie a banshee? Rowen is pale skin—so pale that you can see her veins beneath her skin—with pale blonde hair that is looks more white than blonde and light blue eyes that seem almost colorless. For the people in […]

Novel Magic: The Dream Doctor by J.J. DiBenedetto

You just never know where one little idea will take you. My Novel magic guest, J.J. DiBenedetto, let inspiration lead the way to a 10-book series. Magic? IF you are looking for something to binge . . . The Dream Doctor–Can you call it Magic? Sara, the heroine of the Dream Doctor Mysteries wouldn’t call her “gift” magic, because she’s a doctor – someone who’s logical and believes in science, and of course there’s no such thing as magic. What […]

Novel Magic: Antebellum Dreams with Claire Gem

Civil Hearts by my Novel Magic guest, Claire Gem, promises an interesting romantic triangle: A southern gentleman, a Yankee girl, and the ghost of a Confederate soldier.  Antebellum Dreams by  Claire Gem Sometimes story ideas lay their seeds in my brain but hibernate there, germinating without warning some 20-odd years later. It was the mid-1990s, and I had made my home on the west coast of Florida with my husband and three kids. We’d been living there for about ten years, […]

Novel Magic: Voices in Her Head with Paranormal Author Tena Stetler

Good Morning, Sorchia! I’m so happy to be here. As you know, I have a new release, A MAGIC REDEMPTION. But first let me share a few things you may find interesting. The paranormal realm is my universe. I’ve written about vampires, witches, demons, angels, shifters, faeries, psychics, well you get the idea since I was able to put pen to paper and make sense of it. I have to say my mother was less that impressed. As a child […]

Novel Magic: Inside The Witch House with Judith Sterling

Judith Sterling is in Sorchia’s Universe this week to tell us about her YA fantasy series, Guardians of Erin. Book 1–The Cauldron Stirred–is available right now.  Enter our giveaway for a chance to win a free e-copy. Book 2–The Stone Awakened–will be released December 19.  Inside the Witch House with Judith Sterling Every October in Salem, Massachusetts, is interesting, but this past one stands out; especially where I work: The Witch House, the home of 17th-century witch trials judge Jonathan […]