Yearly Archives: 2024

43 posts

Sorchia's Universe Logo shows silhouette of cat against a full Moon. and S.K. Dubois

Choosing Novel Categories: Is Hard-Boiled, Crime Fiction, Paranormal/Fantasy Mystery Too Much?

An incredibly complex task associated with writing books is determining under which categories–i.e. genres–to list them. Is it a Romance or a Thriller? It seems reductive to categorize any book in such a narrow way. Nonetheless, we must have labels, so we catalog and organize books into genres, subgenres, and sub-subgenres to help interested readers find the perfect read—and so certain giant online retailers can judge us by our genre. I’m getting ready to publish a couple more books—and update […]

Novel Magic logo--stars and colors in an abstract pattern

Novel Magic: Hawaii’s Deadly NightMarchers

My guest, Author Sarah P. Blanchard, tells us about Hawaii’s deadly Nightmarchers and shares more about her debut novel, Drawn from Life. Exciting times in the Universe today! , a psychological thriller, releases TODAY! April 1.  Special Price Alert! Get the ebook for 1.99! Hurry because this price is good only until April 7. Go HERE to read an early review. One of Sarah’s characters in Drawn from Life is a rookie detective from Hawaii, where Sarah lived for a […]

Novel Magic logo--stars and colors in an abstract pattern

Novel Magic: TrailBlazing Female Policewomen of the 1960s

Welcome to Novel Magic where we feature books in the genres we love: Fantasy–Mystery–Horror–Thrillers–and Paranormal Mayhem! Authors share insights and ideas as well as info about their books. Today, Novel Magic takes the Way-Back machine to the 1960s to talk about what it meant to be a female police officer. I’ve lived long enough to remember the days when only a few women worked as police officers. Career choices for girls in my hometown were teacher, nurse, homemaker–that’s about it. […]

Easter Renewal: SAD and How to Beat It Flowery tree against a spring sky.

Ostara (or Easter) Renewal: SAD and How to Beat It

Suddenly, it’s time to get the garden ready, to get ahead of the yard work, to clear the cobwebs and dust out of the house. For me, this is the time of year when the winter blahs have the strongest hold. I’m at the end of my reserves. The sun is still weak, and the nights are still dark. Summer still feels miles away. They call it Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Some years ago, the medical community accepted it as […]

Yard Sale Treasures: Cursed, Conjured, or Coincidence?

Are you in the market for malevolent energy? Dark histories. Curses? A premature death by unusual means? Look no further than your local yard sale. From haunted dolls to sinister paintings to fabulously cursed jewels—your next yard sale treasure could be a supernatural artifact. Do you really want to bring a cursed object into your living room? The allure of cursed objects lies in the mystery surrounding their origins and the inexplicable events that follow those who possess them. Please […]

From Crystal Balls to Crime Scenes: Exploring the Powers of Psychic Sleuths. Woman sitting behind a crystal ball. Her expression is perceptive and clever.

Crystal Balls to Crime Scenes: The Powers of Psychic Sleuths

In crime-solving, a unique breed of detectives emerges—those who transcend the conventional boundaries of investigation. Psychic detectives, armed with extraordinary abilities, navigate the ethereal to unravel mysteries that elude traditional methods. As the paranormal gains cultural prominence, the intersection of psychic insight and criminal justice sparks intrigue and debate. Coincidentally (or not), my next three books are paranormal mysteries about a gal with the gift of psychometry—the ability to sense facts about an object by touching it. These things happen […]