BookWhammy: Search for Fire by Ally Shields 4 comments

Search for Fire An Urban Fantasy by Ally Shields A young witch, hunted by demons, in a desperate search for the truth behind a prophecy. Vivid nightmares haunt guardian witch Arianna Calin, igniting memories of the demon attacks seven years ago…and the threats against her daughter Rayne. An ancient evil is rising, and a future battle is foretold by the prophecy marking Rayne as its Chosen. Only the star witches hidden in Tuscany, Italy, have the answers to the mysterious […]

Novel Magic: Antebellum Dreams with Claire Gem 5 comments

Civil Hearts by my Novel Magic guest, Claire Gem, promises an interesting romantic triangle: A southern gentleman, a Yankee girl, and the ghost of a Confederate soldier.  Antebellum Dreams by  Claire Gem Sometimes story ideas lay their seeds in my brain but hibernate there, germinating without warning some 20-odd years later. It was the mid-1990s, and I had made my home on the west coast of Florida with my husband and three kids. We’d been living there for about ten years, […]

BookWhammy: New YA Fantasy Release!! The Stone Awakened 1 comment

If you’re looking for gifts to please a YA Fantasy lover, we’ve got you covered. Two books in this series are now available. Winners of Judith Sterling’s giveaway listed below. You’ll also find links to purchase both books right now.  Links below. The Stone Awakened (Guardians of Erin, Book Two): Since moving to Ireland, Ashling Donoghue has tackled one challenge after another.  Now the mystery of her parents’ disappearance seems unsolvable.  Are they dead or only missing?  No one—not even […]

Novel Magic: Voices in Her Head with Paranormal Author Tena Stetler 5 comments

Good Morning, Sorchia! I’m so happy to be here. As you know, I have a new release, A MAGIC REDEMPTION. But first let me share a few things you may find interesting. The paranormal realm is my universe. I’ve written about vampires, witches, demons, angels, shifters, faeries, psychics, well you get the idea since I was able to put pen to paper and make sense of it. I have to say my mother was less that impressed. As a child […]

BookWhammy: Tough Prospect-A Buffalo Steampunk Adventure 12 comments

Mitch Carter’s a hard man. He’s clawed his way up from Buffalo’s gutter through a combination of ruthlessness and stark loyalty to become the King of Prospect Avenue. But when he sees lovely Tessa Verdun, a crack appears in his tough veneer. He wants her for his wife even if making it happen requires coercion, dirty dealing, and a touch of blackmail. Mitch is the last man Tessa would choose to wed, but he’s forced her into marriage, even though […]

Novel Magic: Inside The Witch House with Judith Sterling 21 comments

Judith Sterling is in Sorchia’s Universe this week to tell us about her YA fantasy series, Guardians of Erin. Book 1–The Cauldron Stirred–is available right now.  Enter our giveaway for a chance to win a free e-copy. Book 2–The Stone Awakened–will be released December 19.  Inside the Witch House with Judith Sterling Every October in Salem, Massachusetts, is interesting, but this past one stands out; especially where I work: The Witch House, the home of 17th-century witch trials judge Jonathan […]