Novel Magic

86 posts

Novel Magic: Jade’s Redemption by Constance Bretes

In the U.S.. this week includes our Thanksgiving celebration–a harvest festival which celebrates all the blessings which came our way during the year. At Sorchia’s Universe, I’m thankful for a bunch of stuff, not least of which is the opportunity to share authors who join me for Novel Magic. Today, Constance Bretes shares her new release, Jade’s Redemption. Being nosey, I asked her a couple of questions about the book. (And BTW, read on to find out how to enter […]

Novel Magic: Impetus Toward Ireland by Judith Sterling

It’s that time of year again when strange stirrings rustle the dry leaves and half-seen shadows melt into the moonlit forest. Something tells me Judith Sterling, my guest on Novel Magic today, understands the whispers in the ether better than most. Find out how she discovered a startling truth about herself and how she incorporates her passions for history and the paranormal into fantastic books. Impetus Toward Ireland by Judith Sterling One night in the summer before my senior year […]

Novel Magic: Casi McLean’s Lake Lanier Mysteries

This edition of Novel Magic is a treat and an honor. My guest is Casi McLean, author of the award-winning Lake Lanier Mystery series. Casi is a busy lady this week as she releases the second book in the series. YOU are cordially invited to a Gala Facebook event celebrating the release. I’ll be there along with a plethora of pen-wielders to showcase Casi’s new book and a few other little items you might be interested in (like a tarot […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Giving Books a New Life with Juli D.Revezzo

Audiobooks provide the same escape you found when your mom read stories out loud to you when you were a kid.  Remember how nice it was to close your eyes and fall into a story? These days you can listen to your favorite books via an audiobook service while you drive, make supper, or lounge on the couch with a glass of wine. Sorchia’s Universe is happy to present author Juli D.Revezzo, author of Lady of the Tarot. She’s going […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: A Walk Down a Dark Street…Steampunk Style by Laura Strickland

It is my great pleasure to welcome Laura Strickland to Novel Magic this week. With at least 26 books under her belt (according to Goodreads) Laura writes historical romance and magical tales. Her latest, Steel Kisses, is the third in her Buffalo Steampunk Adventure series–and it has everything Sorchia’s Universe requires! But Laura can tell you about it more eloquently than I can. A Walk Down a Dark Street. . .Steampunk Style by Laura Strickland Imagine you’re walking down a […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Ancient Heat by Kira Shayde

This edition of Novel Magic is brimming with shape-shifting suspense–Just what we love here at Sorchia’s Universe! Author Kira Shayde’s Ancient Heat promises passion and excitement.    ANCIENT HEAT (The Followers Book One) by KIRA SHAYDE She’s trapped in another woman’s body…and the other woman is a werelion. Nicole Abramson gains more than razor-sharp claws and a taste for raw meat. With a latent telekinetic talent, she’s a weapon to be used in a millennia-long war, but will she serve […]