Friday Fictioneers

20 posts

Morning After

“The sky’s spinning.” Ruprik eyed the gaudy carnival canopy above him through narrowed eyes. Cold from the cobblestones seeped into his back. He untwisted his arm from the legs of an overturned chair and pulled the damp tablecloth across his shoulders. His friend Chauncey lay nearby. Chauncey hazarded a glance but squeezed his eyes shut. Despite the ice-bucket stuck on his left foot, he curled himself into the fetal position. “That hideous light must mean it’s morning.” “What happened?” “Drinking […]

Friday Fictioneers–Residuals

Friday Fictioneer contribution for April the twoth. Rochelle, at, posts the picture prompt on Wednesdays. The challenge is to write a 100-word story from it. Theatrical superstitions and legends abound. I chose Macbeth, of course, and hope this homage doesn’t seem cheeky to Shakespearean experts—of whose number I am not one. If you enjoy my Friday Fictioneer entries, take a minute to look at my A-Z Blogs. Residuals The lights come up. My cue. My gauzy gown about me […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

A Two-Fer–New Magic and Second Wind

Friday Fictioneers offering for March 26.  Join the fun at I was inspired by the extra day Rochelle allowed us for this weeks Friday Fictioneers and did two–each one exactly 100 words. New Magic Pyewacket sat beside the ancient oak. He flicked his silver wings three times and kicked a dried piece of rabbit dung with the toe of his spiderweb boot. Afternoon dwindled to dusk. At last, Peaseblossom settled beside him with a tinkling laugh. “You’re late,” he […]

The Last One?

Friday Fictioneers offering for March 19. You can play, too, at   The building was empty, abandoned. “This must be the last one in the city we haven’t done.” She unbuttoned his coat. “You’re joking!” He knew she wasn’t. “You always say that, but you enjoy yourself despite all. Remember the apartment building downtown?” She pulled him into the elevator by his coat lapel. “Very slow. Lots of bumps.” He smiled at the memory. “And city hall?” “Distracting music, […]

Self Defense

Friday Fictioneers contribution for March 14. Join the fun at Self Defense “My leg’s broke.” He clinched his teeth. The barrel rumbled over the planked pier as they pushed it to the boathouse in the lake’s center. Each step brought grinding pain. “Don’t be a baby.” She didn’t spare a glance. A cool, fish-scented breeze wafted across the water.  Not another soul around. How long would their luck last? “Help me get it over the rail.” A gut-wrenching pull, […]


This is my Friday Fictioneers contribution for this week.  The challenge is to write a 100-word story using the photo as a prompt. Join the fun at Woopsy “Magic isn’t a toy, you know.” The wizard eyed the boy sternly as they scrambled up the rocky hillside.  “You can’t cast spells willy-nilly without consequences.” “Sorry,” said the boy, his eyes teary. “Well,” The wizard took pity on his forlorn student. The boy was just learning, after all. “It’s probably […]