
296 posts

Strange spells, curses, crafty things –All things magical from witches and crystals to herbs and handy spells.

Trick or Treat Case File #5

Trick-or-Treating was fun, Momma, but Sally didn’t come back. A cat hissed at us and the lady wore a pointy hat and Sally said it was her opinion the lady’s cat was ugly because opinion was a vocabulary word. Then Sally said it was her opinion the lady looked fat in that dress and the lady’s eyes sparkled but she smiled and put her hand on Sally’s shoulder and she had long red fingernails and the lady said ‘Girls with […]

Best Laid Plans

It’s been a nasty, hot summer and the dog days bit me right where it hurts. I haven’t posted in a couple of months, but I’m baaaaaack. And it’s one of my favorite times of the year—the countdown to Halloween. I’m already seeing loads of spooky, haunted, scary posts. Each week, Rochelle manifests a photo prompt and the rest of us mere mortals are tasked with the challenge of responding to it in 100 words or less. Join us at […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

The Anaconda of Doom (and other musings on publishing)

The road to publication is full of chug holes and lined with sticker bushes! Just Like Gravity, a paranormal adventure/romance, was supposed to be published early in the year by Kellan Publishing. Well, Kellan had technical trouble and wasn’t publishing anything for months. When Oghma Creative—the fine folks who created the cover for the book and for whom I do a bit of editing—decided to go into publishing, I took the opportunity to switch from a long-distance relationship with an […]

Dark Magic

Friday Fictioneers is an insane scramble to tell a story with a paltry 100 words.  I’ve missed the last couple of weeks and suffered withdrawal as a result.   Obviously, Rochelle’s aim is to enslave us all and force us to write efficiently.  My story this week is about enslavement, as well, though I can’t quite picture Rochelle as the evil necromancer who terrorizes my characters–but you never know.   Dark Magic “Run!” He stood above me atop the castle […]

Music Lover

Friday Fictioneer time again. A 100-word story based on the photo–doesn’t sound addicting, but it is. Feed your addiction at Music Lover “Maybe it doesn’t like bagpipe music.” Her wet feet shuffled in the boat’s bottom. “We’re in Scotland aren’t we?” The instrument emitted a half-hearted bleat as he settled it on his hip. She eased her fingers into her ears. For an hour, squawks and squeaks ricocheted from the loch’s surface to the grim hills and back. “I […]