U is for Unakite A gentle healing stone Place in a bowl with other stones or alone in your home to produce a gentle and calm energy Use for scrying. Best when used in conjunction with several other suitable stones. Place in a bag and draw a stone to answer a question or cast stones on a scrying wheel. Gently releases anything slowing down spiritual growth Excellent to use during convalescence after a major illness Aids a healthy pregnancy Stimulates […]
Is For Tourmaline Tourmaline––Cleanses, Purifies, Transforms Balances and connects the chakras Great for gardens. A natural insecticide Bury in the garden to encourage growth A mental healer–balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain Improves hand-eye coordination Tourmaline comes in as many flavors as quartz. For a gallery of the different stones, go HERE. Of course, each color has its own uses as well. Black is for grounding, brown for clearing the aura, blue for the throat chakra, green for healing and […]
Is For Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz––Savagely protective, Grounding, Psychic healing Helpful for those undergoing radiation treatments Strengthens the root or base chakra Amplifies its own energy and the energy of any other stone or aid Repulses negative energy Grounds wishes in reality and helps them come true Fosters cooperation in groups Amps up creativity—by grounding and eliminating negatives Elevates moods Relieves stress Psychic shielding Smoky Quartz grows in granite mountains that are slightly radioactive. The smoky quality comes from […]
Is For Rose Quartz Rose Quartz––Unconditional love and infinite peace Place over your heart to open the heart chakra Place by your bed to attract love—do I need to go into detail? Strengthens empathy nd sympathy Opens your heart and emotions Releases heartache Teaches you how to love yourself and be receptive to love from others Strengthens physical heart and aids in lung and chest problems Said to increase fertility Aids with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and senile dementia The pink is due […]
Is For Quartz Quartz—healing, magnifies energy Quartz is everywhere—in nearly all kinds of rocks, it forms when silica and oxygen get together. No special temperatures, no special pressure. Quartz comes in so many flavors, I have to do several posts on some of the specific kinds. Today, crystal quartz is the topic. Crystal quartz is the clear quartz. All crystals vibrate, but crystal quartz vibrates at the perfect level to heal—similar to a cat’s purr. It heals by cleansing—by going back […]
Is For Peridot Peridot—Birthstone of August, gift for the 16th year of marriage, healing and protective Protective especially of the aura. Used to keep away evil spirits in ancient time Release old baggage Brings about necessary change Good for healing and regeneration of skin and tissue Balances bipolar disorders and hypochondria Good for gallbladder, ulcers, eyes, heart, lungs, intestinal tract Treats asthma Place on stomach during childbirth to strengthen contractions but lessen pain (why did no one tell me this earlier?) […]