
98 posts

A-Z Blog Theme Reveal

Magic–words, phrases, objects, and some things that may just be magical to me–all in alphabetical order!  That’s the theme for my A-Z blog this year. And, of course, shameless plugs for my paranormal romance novel Just Like Gravity, due out March/April. Cover by Oghma Creative Media Got a suggestion for a blog topic in the theme of magic?  Leave me a note. Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…


This is my Friday Fictioneers contribution for this week.  The challenge is to write a 100-word story using the photo as a prompt. Join the fun at Woopsy “Magic isn’t a toy, you know.” The wizard eyed the boy sternly as they scrambled up the rocky hillside.  “You can’t cast spells willy-nilly without consequences.” “Sorry,” said the boy, his eyes teary. “Well,” The wizard took pity on his forlorn student. The boy was just learning, after all. “It’s probably […]