Friday Fictioneers

20 posts

A Little Night Music

Join Friday Fictioneers at this link: A Little Night Music “It gets dark so early.” The salesgirl locked the music shop door and turned to her last customer. “I vould like an electricical pipe-organ.” The pale man spoke with a strange accent. “But I have no electricical.” “No problem.” She anticipated an easy sale. “These keyboards are battery powered.” At midnight, organ music shook her awake. A red-eyed window in the upper story of the old house at the end […]

Trick or Treat Case File #5

Trick-or-Treating was fun, Momma, but Sally didn’t come back. A cat hissed at us and the lady wore a pointy hat and Sally said it was her opinion the lady’s cat was ugly because opinion was a vocabulary word. Then Sally said it was her opinion the lady looked fat in that dress and the lady’s eyes sparkled but she smiled and put her hand on Sally’s shoulder and she had long red fingernails and the lady said ‘Girls with […]

Music Lover

Friday Fictioneer time again. A 100-word story based on the photo–doesn’t sound addicting, but it is. Feed your addiction at Music Lover “Maybe it doesn’t like bagpipe music.” Her wet feet shuffled in the boat’s bottom. “We’re in Scotland aren’t we?” The instrument emitted a half-hearted bleat as he settled it on his hip. She eased her fingers into her ears. For an hour, squawks and squeaks ricocheted from the loch’s surface to the grim hills and back. “I […]

Ghosthunting 101 and Charmed

Friday Fictioneers offering on May 1–May Day–Beltane to some. The challenge, of course, is to write a story in 100 words or less based on the photo prompt. This addictive pursuit is open to thrill-seeking writers at Inspiration struck unexpectedly and I wrote two for this week.  In my spare time, I make soy candles. This picture must have triggered something.  Ghosthunting 101 “Do you hear that?” Cold mist clutched my ankles. I paused uncertainly on the slippery stone steps. […]

Any Reason Will Do

My jaw ached. So did my ribs. “Ye almost had him.” Ian pushed another Guinness toward me. The lads set their pipes aside, and strummed their guitars. The pub was warm and noisy. “I’ll crack his noggin next time.” “Why do you two fight?” “He’s a Campbell!” “So?” “I’m a MacDonald.” “So?” “Three-hundred years ago, Campbells killed my kin.” “That’s the reason?” Campbell sat nearby. Blood ran down his shirt and onto his kilt, I noticed with satisfaction. The bartender […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Uncle Beau

“You were a stupid kid,” said Uncle Beauregard. It was the same every time. Comforting, really. “When we got lost in that cave,” he chuckled. “I sat down and waited to be found while you ran around crazy. When we locked ourselves in the basement, you clawed out the window. I saved my strength.” I nodded. “Wasted energy! You’d pretend to throw me in the dungeon and I’d just nap while you tired yourself out. You’ll never get anywhere like […]