48 posts

Regency Romance book cover for The Rake and the Bishop's Daughter by Julia Donner

A Regency Romance: The Rake and the Bishop’s Daughter by Julia Donner

I cannot lie–I loves me a good regency romance from time to time. Today’s Novel Magic–sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions–promises to be a great read with romance as blustery as the March winds. This book is priced at a modest 99 Cents for the tour AND the author is offering a $30 gift card to one lucky winner. Check out the book info and enter the contest below. (You can find more stops on the tour HERE. Comment at each […]

Erotic romance book cover_His Scandalous Love

Warm up with an Erotic Romance by Anya Summers

Erotic Romance Author Anya Summers is here to melt the last of the winter’s snow. Check out her newest erotic romance and enter to win a $15 Gift Card. Be sure to leave a comment at each stop on the tour to increase your chances of winning. Find the rest of the tour stops HERE.  His Scandalous Love –an Erotic Romance by Anya Summers Carter Jones is a fairly simple man. He loves his ranch, his horses, and dominating women […]

Seasonal Depression axe murderer

Seasonal Depression in Sorchia’s Universe

I grew up in the olden days when most doctors were male. They dismissed “female complaints” with an airy wave of their neatly manicured fingers. So, when I got sad and moody every February, I got lectures about responsibility and attitude. It was the same for every girl I knew. Either you kept your problems to yourself or you could expect to be ignored at best and ridiculed at worst. Ah, the good ole days. via GIPHY Seasonal depression isn’t […]

Author Erin Jensen and Dream Waters: A Contemporary Fantasy Series

Happy Day After Prez Day! To celebrate, here  is a 99 cent sale, a Rafflecopter contest, and a Contemporary Fantasy series to while away the winter days. DREAM WATERS Book One of The Dream Waters Series   All his life, Charlie Oliver has watched the people around him morph into creatures that no one else sees.  Unlike the rest of the world, Charlie remembers the Waters that transport him to the Dream World each night.  And he sees glimpses of […]

What Would You Really Do for Love?

With Valentine’s Day smack dab in the middle,  February is the month of romance.  But the course of true love never did run smooth. No matter how well you plan, sometimes things just don’t work out.  via GIPHY Love is the most sought after thing there is–next to Happiness and maybe chocolate cake. You’ll find that your friendly, neighborhood witch has shelves stocked with love potions, poppets, and charms at this time of year. You may want to get […]

Saturday 7: Seven Times the Movies Got it Right (Or Close Enough)

Saturday Seven is a nifty little blog hop with lists galore. Check out the rest of the Saturday Seven offerings at Long and Short Reviews. I can guarantee the movie/TV version of a good book will be disappointing. From beloved little bits they leave out to inconceivable plot deviations –Why do some directors feel they can take a book that has been a classic for decades and rewrite it?—the movie and tv versions never live up to expectations. I hesitate […]