Sorchia’s Universe–The Blog

514 posts

Music Lover

Friday Fictioneer time again. A 100-word story based on the photo–doesn’t sound addicting, but it is. Feed your addiction at Music Lover “Maybe it doesn’t like bagpipe music.” Her wet feet shuffled in the boat’s bottom. “We’re in Scotland aren’t we?” The instrument emitted a half-hearted bleat as he settled it on his hip. She eased her fingers into her ears. For an hour, squawks and squeaks ricocheted from the loch’s surface to the grim hills and back. “I […]

Ghosthunting 101 and Charmed

Friday Fictioneers offering on May 1–May Day–Beltane to some. The challenge, of course, is to write a story in 100 words or less based on the photo prompt. This addictive pursuit is open to thrill-seeking writers at Inspiration struck unexpectedly and I wrote two for this week.  In my spare time, I make soy candles. This picture must have triggered something.  Ghosthunting 101 “Do you hear that?” Cold mist clutched my ankles. I paused uncertainly on the slippery stone steps. […]

Z is for Zodiac

Before I launch into the big finish for this A-Z Blog Challenge, I want to sincerely thank all of you who suffered through it with me—either by reading my blogs or by writing your own. I greatly appreciate your comments and likes and will repay in kind now that I’m finished with the constant state of panic I’ve been in every day this month as another daily deadline approached. My goals for this little project were to A) do it—actually […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Y is for YinYang

The Yin-Yang symbol dates back at least to the 3rd century BCE and is a symbol meaning (among other things) balance in all things. It represents everything that exists and is the perfect balance of dark and light. Tracing the pattern of the sun throughout the year will produce a yinyang symbol on a grid. It is similar to the Golden Spiral, a mathematical construct present in nature and corresponding to the Fibonacci sequence. The ratio is present in everything […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

X is for . . . .

Just to show off, I have three magical X words for this post. Xenoglossey is the term for the phenomena of spontaneously speaking or writing a language other than one’s own without training in that language—speaking in tongues. It’s not one of those things that happen every day and many of the cited cases I’ve seen have been later debunked or in some way negated. Still, reports of hypnosis patients who burst into an ancient language or one they have […]