Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Portfolio-Kay Lawson (a.k.a. S.K. Dubois)

Hi—I’m happy to meet you!

My name is Kay Lawson, but because that name is a bit dull—and because I share it with a few other people—I use the name S.K. Dubois for my fiction and blog.

It’s hard to say exactly where Sorchia ends and Kay begins. Between us, we have a variety of skills and a deep and abiding love of words.

S.K., or Sorchia as she’s known to her friends, writes urban fantasy novels and cozy mysteries. She maintains a blog where she shares book reviews and comments on anything spooky, witchy, or weird.

S.K. has published four books, both independently and with small presses, and will be publishing three more in 2025.

Kay Lawson is a freelance editor. For thirteen years, she worked as Lead Instructional Designer at Stride Enterprises, a virtual education provider. There, she trained and supervised two associate designers. As a team, they designed, edited, and branded professional development documents, which served as aids to a diverse population of virtual instructors.

Sorchia and I are happy to have you here. Please check out the samples and look around the website.

This portfolio is a work in progress. Please leave comments and let me know what additional information you would find useful.

Tarrowburn Prophecies Series by L. Ryan Storms

Temper the Dark by L. Ryan Storms

Psychosis Diagnosis by Niki Minty

Frayed Memories by Leila Kirkconnell

Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones

Zoraida Grey and the Voodoo Queen

Zoraida Grey and the Pictish Runes

Witchling: A Collection of Zoraida Grey Short Stories

“A Cold Spring”