Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Past Lives and Dodgy People–Just Like Gravity

   Just Like Gravity is a paranormal romance set in Scotland, but it’s not all about drinking  🙂  The story traces two of Anna’s past lives. This excerpt is from a not-so-good time in 1604.


Photo courtesy of Casey Cowan, Oghma Creative Media
Photo courtesy of Casey Cowan, Oghma Creative Media

Mariel bounced against the wooden shelving along the side of the small room but kept her balance. Mrs. Campbell seized her shoulder, digging her fingernails into Mariel’s thin arm.

“I know what you did. You put a spell on my man just as you did on the hens. You’re a witch, and I’ll be the first one to throw a lighted torch on your pyre when they burn you.” She shook Mariel as a dog shakes a rat. Then she thrust Mariel against the rough wallboards.

Mariel fell with a thud on the cold dirt floor. Her legs throbbed and her shoulder ached. Scratches where the woman’s fingernails had broken the skin burned like coals. She scowled at the fat woman with all the malice her ten-year old soul could muster.

Mrs. Campbell slammed the door with finality. The heavy latch crashed shut. With only the thin line of light along the bottom of the door, the windowless room was dark. The smell of fermenting beer and the musk of damp dirt stuffed her nose. Cold seeped through her threadbare dress.


If you want to find out more, go HERE.  But if you want toFinal Gravity Front (3) (527x800) (422x640) (280x425) (280x425) (158x240) jump right in and get your very own copy of Just Like Gravity from Amazon, go HERE or from Barnes & Noble, go HERE

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