Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Summer Review Wars: Free Books and $200 Prize

Summer Review Wars Reading Orgy

Summer Review Wars

Get Free Books and a chance to win a $200 Gift Card!

Over 40 authors–including yours truly–are participating in Summer Review Wars. The ladies at Moonlight and Mystery are sponsoring this month long reading orgy. You’ll receive free books and invitations to Facebook parties where you can win more prizes and freebies from the authors.

All you need to do is fill out the form. You get to choose which books you read. We ask that you post a brief and honest review on Amazon and any other place you choose after you’ve read your books.

Readers sign up for FREE.

Reader Sign Up

Author friends–it’s not too late to join us.

Author Sign Up

The kickoff party is on June 18. Here is the event link. Follow this to get notifications of parties.

FaceBook Event

More info to come later!!

I’m offering Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones for this event, but don’t forget about Zoraida Grey and the Voodoo Queen and COMING SOON Zoraida Grey and the Pictish Runes.

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