Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Frighteningly February Wrap Up!

It’s been a busy month here at Sorchia’s U.  To keep up with events, connect on Facebook where I post the best stuff.

Take a quick look at posts you may have missed and get ready for March.

The Dead of Winter Gothic Movie List–Over 50 creepy, crawly, crazy movies to keep away the winter blahs.
Words of Love–To celebrate Valentine’s Day, a collection of quotes about love from sweet to insane.
Granny’s Love Potions–Ah, Granny. Usually, she charges for this stuff. Check out her advice for the lovelorn.
Granny’s Love Charms–More of Granny’s wisdom concerning the delicate art of love–and how to get what you want.
The Fabulous Whisky Quiz–I don’t know about you, but winter gives me the pip. Here’s a little quiz about my favorite sunshine in a bottle.

Every month in 2017, I am giving away something and this month it’s an e-copy of Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones.  I sent out the monthly email earlier today but neglected to update it with the name of the winner 🙁  It’s been a long month, folks.

So everyone who has joined Sorchia’s Universe should have an email from me. If you have not joined and want to–Sign up. If you want to unsubscribe, follow the link at the bottom of any email or contact me.

The way the monthly drawing works is that I generate a random number and the subscriber with that number wins–easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

February’s winner is Debra. Congrats to you Debra! I’ve emailed the pdf but have copies available in Mobi (Kindle) and e-pub, too. AND if a winner should happen to already own the prize, I will replace it with something of equal value. What’s the point of winning something you already have?

  • In March, the prize is an e-copy of Just Like Gravity.
  • Hang on to your potatoes because in April, I hope to have a little anthology of Zoraida Grey stories called Witchling ready to go.
  • And sometime this summer–Zoraida Grey and the Voodoo Queen will be streaking to an online bookstore near you–and an advance copy will be a prize, too.
  • I have a feeling that when I get ZG and the VQ finished I will be in a mood to giveaway something neat–like jewelry or something else voodoo-ey.

Zoraida Grey and the Voodoo Queen is nearly ready for betas–This one has taken waaaay too long, but I see light at the end. Here’s a little excerpt from Voodoo Queen!

She turns, drawing her hand from the leather bag around her neck. Red lips blow sparkling powder from her fingers. I inhale instinctively.


My knees give way and I sink down, down, down. Down onto the red velvet chair. Past
the weathered floorboards, down into the silt and mud of the Delta. Down to the center of the earth. Satin folds of mesmerizing ensorcellment coil around my shoulders, pulling me deeper still into the space between time. Reality wastes to silence.


“Don’ fight, kè mwen. You can’t do it. Let it take you,” she whispers. We face each other, sitting in matching red velvet chairs. Our knees touch. She holds my hands, massaging my palms with her broad thumbs.


The powdered drug slows my heart, my breathing, my mind. Fresh sweat pops out on my forehead. My eyelids weigh fifty pounds each. They slam shut. Each second stretches into infinity. Colors spiral around a green face. Cigarette smoke on her breath. A cold hand on my forehead. I’m helpless, bound and sedated.


This won’t do.


I reach deep into the rich Mississippi silt and curl my toes around the bones of the earth. Ancient, patient life grounds me, reminds me who I am. A molecule at a time, I transmute the drug to saline, a trick I did not learn in high school chemistry. A trick I didn’t know I could do. The effort leaves me gasping but my mind is once again my own. I open my eyes.


 “You got de juju in you, bebe.” Azili laughs, red lips wide, teeth white. Her coils tighten. “But I got de juju in me, too.”


This time, I can’t keep her out. Like rising floodwaters, she seeps into every corner.