Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

A-Z Blog Challenge 2015–Crystal Fix–Garnet



 Is For Garnet

Garnet– energize and regenerate.

  • They can warn of danger and give a boost to courage when it is needed.
  • A stone of commitment. Wear on your finger, earlobes, or place against the skin as needed.wpid-wp-1428241489695.jpeg
  • To generate remembrance of past lives, place on the third eye as you meditate.
  • It brings hope in hopeless situations and energizes you to take action.
  • Give a garnet to a parting friend to ensure you will meet again.
  • Carry a garnet to ward off evil-doers and to add energy and courage to difficult endeavors.
  • Even said to keep away annoying insects, garnets are stones of perception, helping you see through the façade to the real person or real heart of the situation. 
  • Square cut stones are particularly useful in business.

I was amazed at the energy this little stone generates!  Getting ready for this post, I carried a garnet around for a couple of days and got so much accomplished.  By the third day, though, I was feeling tired and kind of unfocused.  I would say try it for short periods. Tell everyone to stand aside because you will be a blur of activity for that time.


Tomorrow’s Crystal Fix: Hematite

 Bonus--Last year for the A-Z Blog challenge, my theme was Magic. See the G is for Ghost post HERE.

Just Like Gravity is about past lives and karma.  Maybe a garnet would have helped! Get a copy of Just Like Gravity HERE or HERE

Cover by Oghma Creative
Cover by Oghma Creative

Do you love witches and crystals and romance and danger?  Make a note on your Calendar: Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones will be released by Oghma Creative Media in September.  Go HERE to find out more!

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