Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Get Ready for 2018 in Sorchia’s Universe

The old year may be winding down, but Sorchia’s Universe is getting ready for a fairly substantial make-over ahead of a fairly substantial 2018. Last week, I asked for your help in choosing a new logo. You can still add your voice to the poll. At the moment, it is a three-way tie so every vote counts (Just Like in Alabama and ALWAYS.)


2018 will see the two Zoraida Grey books published along with the anthology of Zoraida Grey short stories I’ve been hoarding for some time. In addition, the blog will continue to host a curated collection of fabulous writers and their works in the paranormal, Gothic romance, horror, medieval romance, and steampunk genres.  And, of course,  the regular Friday post will continue to answer the question: WTF?

I’m planning to add a weekly newsletter called the UnEarthly Tymes in Sorchia’s Universe to jolt your weekend to a start. If you are on my mailing list, this one-page notice will appear in your inbox Friday Evening with links to recent posts on Sorchia’s Universe and other parts of the U along with any giveaways or sales in progress amongst my acquaintances.

“And So?” you say.

  • Well, if you are already on my mailing list, just sit back and wait for stuff to happen. This is the place to be.
  • If you are not on my mailing list, go HERE and get yourself right with the Universe.
  • If you are an author of paranormal, medieval, horror, Gothic, steampunk, or romantic suspense, let me know of any sales, giveaways, or releases you have coming up. I’d love to add that info to the Unearthly Tymes. I will be plumbing the depths of the Interwebs for such things, but I may miss yours since I have the attention span of gnat with ADHD.
    • Here’s what I need from you if you want to be on my weekly list of neat stuff. Send me this info about a week before you want it promoted.
      • Author name
      • Title of the book
      • Deal
      • Dates in effect
      • Link a post where readers can enter the giveaway or a buy link to the book on sale
      • Author contact


Oh, the Places I’ve Been–Guest Posts from October to December


Escape to a real Haunted Castle in Scotland with this Midweek Escape. Two Scottish Castles you can spend a night in—If you dare.

The Only Rule You Need

A recipe from the Scotch and Salad Diet.

Critters and Ghoulies you’ll meet in Zoraida Grey

The Difference between romance and Romance

What the experts say about FEAR

Building and Supporting Strong Women

How Writing a Series is driving, has driven, and will drive me to Drink

Christmas Movies to Die For

That’s it for 2017 in Sorchia’s Universe—except for a couple of FANTASTIC Novel Magic posts.

During the next three weeks,  I’ll be busily revamping the website and working on Zoraida Grey and the Pictish Runes (which is shaping up nicely).

Look for the first post of 2018 and the first edition of the UnEarthly Tymes in Sorchia’s Universe on January 6.