Yearly Archives: 2017

77 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: The Mythological Origins of an Epic Romance by Guest Author Anna Durand

It’s my pleasure to kick off a brand new feature on Sorchia’s Universe which I’m going to call the Novel Magic until I can think of something better (suggestions welcome.) Every now and then, I’ll feature one of the talented authors I’ve been privileged to meet and give you a sneak peek into their thoughts and their latest work. We’ll specialize in paranormal, fantasy, horror, medieval, and steam punk because that’s what we do here!  Our first guest is  best-selling author Anna Durand with […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Why You and I NEED a Yacht

Research! Love it or hate it, the chore must be accomplished. Zoraida Grey and the Voodoo Queen, the second book in the Zoraida Grey series, presents a few unique problems. Zoraida, through a series of events involving crystals, comely and well-proportioned Scottish witches, cats, whisky, and of course magic, finds herself in the Caribbean in need of transport. Here’s what I learned from research this week. Top 5 Reasons You and I NEED a yacht To show off! You know […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Book Review: Spirits of Southeast Alaska by James P. Devereaux

By now you know my tastes–spooky or steamy or Scottish or all three–and when I find something share-worthy, I like to pass it along. This month’s selection falls firmly into the spooky category. Spirits of Southeast Alaska came to me by way of my daughter who got it by way of a co-worker and friend who just happens to be the author. Anyone who loves a good ghost story will find this little book hard to put down. From the […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

A Cold Spring–Episode 26: Zed

This is IT!!! The last post for the fabulous 2017 A to Z Blog Challenge and the LAST DAY TO VOTE FOR Zoraida Grey in the first round of the Rone Awards.  She’s in the Long Paranormal category at  InDtale Magazine . You will need to register but it’s a free and easy process. Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones. Thanks so much for sticking with me through the challenge. Here’s the last episode, but if you are just discovering the story or […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

A Cold Spring–Episode 25: Yesterday, Tomorrow, Never

Only a one more post left in this fabulous A to Z Blog Challenge-and one more quick reminder to Vote for Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones in the Long Paranormal category at  InDtale Magazine . You will need to register but it’s a free and easy process. Look for a nice pdf of the entire story here on Sunday. Episode 25: Yesterday, Tomorrow, Never Long ago, my great-great-great grandmother lived near the cataracts, halfway up the mountains on the eastern border of […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

A Cold Spring–Episode 24: Xenogenesis )Gimme a Break! Xes are Hard.

Two things happening this Sunday. Get ready for the big finale of “A Cold Spring.” I’ll have the entire story in a nice, neat pdf to make it easy to read.  Vote for Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones in the Long Paranormal category at  InDtale Magazine . You will need to register but it’s a free and easy process. Episode 23: Xenogenesis She sits on the ground beside a bonfire of driftwood, holding her hands out to the leaping flames. Early […]