Yearly Archives: 2017

77 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

A Cold Spring–Episode 2: Burning!

Welcome to Sorchia’s Universe—A-Z Blog Edition.   Day 2 of the #AtoZChallenge. To find more blogs participating in the challenge, go HERE. At the bottom of this post is a list of some other blogs featuring fiction during this challenge. Here’s the link to Episode 1–in case you missed it.   Episode 2: Burning!   The vision always begins with burning.     Flames fill the castle windows, acrid smoke streams from the turrets. Heat flushes my face, glitters in […]

A Cold Spring–Episode 1: A Cherry Tomato

Welcome to Sorchia’s Universe—A-Z Blog Edition. April is #A-ZChallenge month when everybody who is anybody joins the mad scramble to post  daily content in alphabetical order for the entire month of April (not counting Sundays–except that we count the last Sunday this year because . . .its a leap #A-ZChallenge Year–I guess.) This year, my offering is a serial story—a Gothic fantasy featuring vengeful witches, disappearing castles, betrayal, and romance (PG only for this one.) Remember to Join Sorchia’s Universe to be […]

April Alerts!

Today is a busy day in Sorchia’s Universe and April is going to be fantastic!! Find out why writing (and reading) about Witches is important  in my guest post at the Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal Romance Writers Blog. Plus an excerpt from Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones. Tell me what you think about first person narrators at my guest post on Novel Spaces. (see what I mean by busy? Note to self: look at your calendar before you schedule guest […]

Sorchia’s #AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal

Every April, a hardy group of bloggers set forth to complete the A to Z April Blog Challenge. This involves posting a blog every day in April—except Sundays. As if posting every damn day isn’t enough, the posts have to be in alphabetical order. Meaning your topic for Day 1 starts with an A . . . aaaaaand you get the idea. It starts out like this: Proceeds to this: And ends up a little like this:   For the […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

What’s for Breakfast? My Addiction is Hungry.

This week, I’m guest blogging on the website of fellow author and daydreamer, Darlene Fredette. Her Monday Musing segment fits my mood perfectly. Read about my addiction to daydreaming and what I do to feed it. Read my post HERE. Check out other interesting posts at Darlene’s place along with her brand new release Winter’s Kiss.   By the Way, I’m giving away an e-copy of Just Like Gravity this month. All you have to do is Join Sorchia’s Universe to […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Frighteningly February Wrap Up!

It’s been a busy month here at Sorchia’s U.  To keep up with events, connect on Facebook where I post the best stuff. Take a quick look at posts you may have missed and get ready for March. The Dead of Winter Gothic Movie List–Over 50 creepy, crawly, crazy movies to keep away the winter blahs. Words of Love–To celebrate Valentine’s Day, a collection of quotes about love from sweet to insane. Granny’s Love Potions–Ah, Granny. Usually, she charges for […]