Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Trick or Treat Case File #5

Copyright-Kent Bonham
Copyright-Kent Bonham

Trick-or-Treating was fun, Momma, but Sally didn’t come back. A cat hissed at us and the lady wore a pointy hat and Sally said it was her opinion the lady’s cat was ugly because opinion was a vocabulary word. Then Sally said it was her opinion the lady looked fat in that dress and the lady’s eyes sparkled but she smiled and put her hand on Sally’s shoulder and she had long red fingernails and the lady said ‘Girls with opinions make the best seasoning’ and she took Sally inside. What do you suppose she meant by that, Momma?

Friday Fictioneers involves the weekly madness of posting a 100-word or less response to the photo prompt. If insanity is your cup of tea, join us at Friday Fictioneers.

Warning: Shameless Self-Promotion follows.

My first novel, Just Like Gravity, is due to be released at the end of October. It’s a paranormal romance/adventure kind of thing. If you’ve enjoyed any of my Friday fictioneering, please follow this blog for updates.

Cover by Oghma Creative
Cover by Oghma Creative

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