
20 posts

Best Pagan Deity EVER–The Green Man

     As nature spirits go, the Green Man rocks. He’s the embodiment of Spring, of Nature, of rebirth and renewal, of fertility.  Carvings of the Green Man date back to the 11th century in Britain and tales of him are incorporated in myths and stories from long before that. So powerful is his he that even the rising tide of Christianity in Britain and Europe did not prevent stonemasons from carving his likeness on buildings–even churches.      A […]

Friday Fictioneers–Sweet Mother Merryweather

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly dip into the rolling waves of flash fiction. The challenge is to write a story in 100 words or less based on a photo prompt. I am a sporadic participant, but today the prompt fit into my WIP in some odd fashion. If you want to flex and tighten your writing muscles, visit Rochelle’s site to participate.    Sweet Mother Merryweather I was chopping the head from an uncooperative bat when someone knocked. The bat […]

A Witch’s Christmas

Once again, it’s Friday Fictioneer time in the Ozarks.  The challenge is to write a complete story in 100 words or less inspired by the photo prompt provided by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. My story today suits this festive week which holds Yule and Christmas and a full moon. If you want to join the fun by reading and posting your own story—go HERE. By the way, critiques, comments, suggestions are welcome. Season’s Greetings to all!!   A Witch’s Christmas The window […]

Ginger Tea to Tame Your Tummy and Add Fire to Spells

Ginger–the plant, not the hair color–lends its fiery nature to teas and magical workings. 3 things to remember about Ginger Small amounts aid digestion, but too much is too much. Use in moderation. Use fresh ginger rather than dried ginger in teas and concoctions to avoid stomach irritation If you use blood thinners or have a blood disorder, use with caution as ginger may thin the blood. Magic: Ginger can add passion to a relationship or speed up any spell, […]

It’s an Elemental, my dear Watson

At this time of year, I need bonfires as much as I need air. The smell of a wood fire, a bit of pine, a skosh of cedar, a chunk of oak, and a hint of hickory relax every corpuscle of my pagan blood. So I belong to a few FB groups of witches and other creative types and some of them had been posting pictures they took of their own bonfires. So I thought it was a good idea. […]